knitxcore.: D is for dance parties.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

D is for dance parties.

Tilly and the wall: 3/19
(tilly and the wall: First Unitarian, Phila. PA.)

I'm so lucky!
my favorite band comes around once or twice a year.
this time they brought balloons.
maybe we hung out in a church basement.
maybe it was 300 degrees in there.
maybe the opening band had quite a hippie following.
it doesn't matter, i like patchouli.

Honestly, it was one of the best shows I've ever been to. Maybe it was the confetti, maybe it was the ballons? Everyone had so much energy! I've seen Tilly quite a few times, but last night the were at the top of their game.

I really need a nap today.

---LeT teh BeAT ContRol YoV---

Tilly and the Wall - Beat Control



Anonymous said...

That looks like it was so much fun!

Though the hands in the video kind of reminded me of Ronald McDonald for some reason...

Charles said...

You guys did such GREAT fun!
Iam going to concert next fun..I hope I had a fun like you!

OMG~ Love this song!

Huseph Of Wingacarribee said...

concerts make the world go round

pamela wynne said...

omg, Tilly and the Wall!
glad you found a suitable D entry. :)

RodgerPM said...

It looks so amazing! I love Tilly and the Wall.

Anonymous said...

You look so happy. Who could be unhappy with great music confetti and balloons though?