knitxcore.: February 2007

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Boom. Done.

I feel like poop today. I really think that while I was sleeping last night, two monsters came. One rubbed a cheese grater on my throat, while the other one kicked me in the head, a lot. I should have checked under the bed.

I did however sew up the baby kimono and finish a little eyelet ruffle.

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I still have what seems like a billion years until Dave's sister has the baby, but I want to make a few things for her. I'm pretty happy with how this turned out.

Pattern Particulars

Needles: Clover Takumi Size US 7

Yarn: Sugar and Cream cotton in Country (something?), i threw away the band!

Time: Approx. 4 hours (a lot of this was seaming time b/c it line up as nicely as it could have.)

Loved: The ease of knitting it all in one piece.

Hated: The fact that it was a little short, but i fixed that.

I also finished my first OBS sock. I post pics when I'm completely finished the pair, the toe is a little funky and I want to see if I can re-work it.

There's some Licorice Root Tea (it makes sore throats go away) with my name on it, not to mention a big pile of laundry i might just curl up in instead of folding. bleh.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Yes SiR!

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I finally bought D-rings for my Felted Military belt, from Michael's book, Knitting With Balls. I used a small ball of leftover Noro in color #51. I had to shorten it considerably. The pattern said to knit 64" and it would felt to 46", my waist is around half of that so I knit about 46" and it felted to a 34. I just secured the end with a Ben & Jerry's pin that has an ice cream cone on it. Pretty sweet, eh?

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(It's incredibly difficult to take a good picture of your own waist.)

I bought some Shrinky-Dinks this week and made some pretty dope earrings. I made the yellow roses first and then I was thinking abot that song. You know the one. So, naturally yellow rose of texas leads to revolvers somehow. Anyway.... I made these:

Picture 238

(I'm amazing.)

I've been working on my OBS sock most of the day today and it's almost finished. I have some laundry and dishes to do, and then maybe I'll finish it up.


Sunday, February 18, 2007

KetcHuP! A week in Photos...

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Last Sunday, Midnight Purls and I went to Fiber Arts Studio in Nortfield. We stayed and knit for awhile, we both worked on our current socks. It was alot of fun KIP-ing our WIP's. Of course, we both felt obligated to buy things after staying about an hour. I picked up two skeins of Plymouth Jelli Beanz is a sorta lime green color and Plymouth Handpainted in the same neon inspired color scheme. We also did a sort of *not* online mug exchange. You can't really see the mug, but it says "Eat, Sleep, Knit" ( i believe it's from and she also got me a skein of SOCKS THAT ROCK! in Lemongrass. I'm so excited to use this yarn!

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As we all know, Wednesday was Valentines Day. Dave and I agreed not to buy each other gifts (we were going to go out and eat, but it snowed like crazy!) but I wasn't angry when I came home to flowers, choclate, and a bunch of Burt's Bees stuff on Tuesday night. I cheated too, I had embroidered him some unmentionables and I got him Astronaut Ice Cream from FredFlare. On Wednesday, I made Chicken and Dumplings and we had a cozy night in.

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I've been knitting like crazy, I swear! This is all I have to show for it right now. It's the Baby Kimono from MDK. I have, since last night, added a eyelet ruffle and pulled a cute ribbon in and out of the eyelets. When it's all sewn up and cute I'll let you all see the FO. I've been steadily moving along on Dave's sock (Now, re-named as the Ocean Breathes Salty Sock, after a Modest Mouse song that kept playing over in my head while looking at the yarn.). I'm also knitting a piece for a friend's show that's coming up, it's about the art of the protest sign. I've had some troubles with it, so I don't want to jinx it by talking it about too much.
Today, Midnight Purls and I went to the LYS again, and stayed a little bit longer this time. There were a few more people and a lot of fun stuff going on and we got really wrapped up in the excitement of the sale. In fact, so wrapped up that I left my phone there. We chatted about knitting, museums, yarn and what ever other crazy things flew out of my mouth. All wool was 30% off and you got additional discounts on top of that! SO, now my mom is getting the cutest Noni Bag for her B-day! I'm using Cascade Sierra and hoping it gives some depth to my color choices. MP and I were also the proud winners of some sweet door prizes! Such a RAWR-some day! YaY US!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm Crazy for the Hogs!

Hedgehog and Lumberjack's Vanishing Oatmeal Raisan Cookies

I can't stop making hedgehogs! It's time for an intervention I think.

Pattern Particulars

Needles: Clover Takumi Size US 10.5

Yarn: Lamb's Pride Worsted in Wild Oak and some weird cotton I had in my stash.

Time: Approx. 2 hours (most of it was spent pulling through loops of yarn for hair)

Loved: How quickly the yarn felted and the new animal eyes I bought at JoAnn's.

Hated: nothing.

I ran into JoAnn's tonight to pick up a few things I needed to continue working on Dave's Valentines gift. In addition to what I needed, I found official looking eyes for my hedgehog and future sock monkeys. I also picked up the new addition of ADORN. There is a lot of cute stuff in this one. Shrinky Dink Jewelry and ruffled flowers made from grosgrain ribbon are my to do list. There is also a pretty exciting contest from the people @ Velcro. All you have to do is use their *new* Fabric Fusion Iron-On velcro in a project and you could win $500, a Rowenta Professional Focus Iron and a 1-year subscription to ADORN. I'm kind of excited and I want to send something in.

Our dinner tonight was the biggest fluke ever!!! I was making an easy-peasy recipe I've made a few times and I only changed one thing. It was a baked chicken and rice dish, and we only had black rice in the house. We bought it one day because it looked exciting. IT WAS NOT EXCITING! It turned into a strange gelatinous sludge in the casserole dish and it had a very strange flavor. In order to make up for my kitchen blunder, I made Lumberjack's Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies from "I Like You" by Amy Sedaris. They are so tasty even my new hedgehog treid to steal a few. When I first got this book I thought that the recipes were jokes. I've tried three or four and all of them have been AMAZING! Amy Sedaris is a goddess!

I wanted to take a second and talk about something important. I'm not sure if you guys know what the AIDS Lifecycle is or how you could do anything to help. Here is the info from the website: "(It) will take place June 3-9, 2007, as cyclists and volunteers will travel 545 miles through beautiful California from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
(It) is the official cycling event of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center.
(It) is about HIV/AIDS and raising money to help the beneficiaries continue to provide the critical services and education needed to meet the growing needs of our community.

(It) increases awareness and knowledge about HIV/AIDS among participants, their donors and the general public,addresses the widespread misperception that HIV and AIDS are no longer a problem -- in fact more people are living with HIV & AIDS today than ever before, which means a much greater need for services....

(It) provides a reminder that the rate of HIV infection is increasing, particularly in communities of color and in individuals under the age of 25. In California alone there are more than 55,000 people living with AIDS, and another 125,000 living with HIV, many unaware of their infection....

(It) requires each cyclist to raise a minimum of $2,500. Each cyclist is assigned to a personal "Cycle Buddy" for assistance with training, fundraising, and emotional & practical support from the moment they register through the event's completion."

The last part is the one I would like to address with you all. One of my dear blog friends will be participating in this ride and they need help from our blogging community. I'm not asking for a miracle, or for someone to donate a zillion dollars. I know we all need yarn money.

Ms. Brooklynne Michelle is the AMAZING host of "The Mosh Knit", my absolute favorite knitting podcast. She has been knitting for almost 12 years and always has great advice on new yarns, patterns and music. A lot of people listen to her podcast but, unfortunately she has only raised $175! The money she raises will still be donated to AIDS research but, I'd really like to see her go all the way and make a huge difference, and to do that she needs our help. You can donate, check out her progress or stop by and offer her support @ The Punk Pedaler.

I'm sleepy and I think this qualifies as my longest post ever! So, Goodnight! Don't let the bedbugs bite! Sweet Dreams!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

YarN PorN!

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Today, Midnight Purls and I went on a lil' journey to the LYS. I went in with no list and no planned out projects! I kept my cool though and only bought a little bit. I picked up this Rio De Plata for a sweet earflap hat or mittens, I haven't really decided yet. The colorway was way to amazing to just leave it sitting there. While we were there, I also picked up some Lamb's Pride Worsted and a pattern for felted sunflowers that I wanted months ago, but it was on sale today.

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I was going to watch the Knitty Gritty Knit In tonight instead of the SuperBowl, but after 3 episodes I couldn't deal with seeing any more fun fur, no matter how cute Vicki is! So, I knitted the Felted Military Belt from Michael's book. It knitted up so quickly!!!! I felted it in a bowl of hot water because I was afraid of it shrinking too much. I promise there will be pictures as soon as I get to JoAnn's to pick up some D-rings to finish it off. I was still sitting around with nothing to do, so I popped out another hedgehog using the brown Lamb's Pride. He doesn't have a face yet, but I'll get around to it.

I finally got a ball winder BTW!!! I've been agressively balling up my stash for days. I'm so excited to see everything organized in neat little cakes in my craft room. I still have a few more organizational things and a desk to pick up and then, MAYBE, I will let you all see my creative space.

I'm going to have some tea and go to bed <3>