knitxcore.: Snow Day!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Snow Day!


Tuesday night, a couple of friends and I went bowling to help raise money for Habitat for Humanity. It was fun, despite the plethora of sorority girls everywhere. It was pretty cool to have fun and do something sort of charitable. Speaking of charitable, The South Jersey Knitting guild is holding a Knit-athon @ Ventnor City Library on March 10th from 10-2pm. I kind of want to go now, being in this giving mood. They provide yarn (or you can bring your own) to make baby hats and and strips to be collected for baby blankets. Sometimes it's nice to give just a little (espesh if it doesn't interfere with your yarn stash!).

Midnight Purls and I went to the SnB @ the LYS again, and it was probably the best one we've went to. The shop wasn't very busy, so we could be loud and irreverent and it didn't bother anyone. One of the women that works @ the shop went to Stitches West and brought back some really nice sock yarn for me to dye. I'm so excited, I have billions of color combinations racing through my mind! She also picked up a slightly new Noro yarn called "Kochoran"; it was 50% wool, 30% angora, 20% silk. 100% AMAZInG! I can't wait to get my hands on some.

I'm still working on the Noni bag for my mum. Today, I have to pick up the stitches for the ruffles, and make the flowers, and then I get to felt that beee-atch! I'm thinking of just lining it with wool felt so I can put a clasp inside and hid the part where I'm sewing the handle on. I haven't even cast on my second sock yet. Now, I'm being tempted to make a new slouchy hat. I've been wanting a new hat for awhile and I was surfing around on Hoy Fashion (a british street fashion site) and I realized the only thing seperating me from the coolest kids in the U.K. is a sweet slouchy hat.

I searched for a good pattern to base it on and found a whole thread on craftster dedicated to the the slouchy hat. So instead of picking up that ruffle, I may have a coffe and make a hat. I have that RAWR-some Rio de Plata screaming my name.

OHHHHH!!!!! It's CRaZY Snowing out here in NJ. It's been snowing since last night, and we have like 3 or 4 inches now. I know it doesn't seem like much to you guys that live in the middle and northern states but, for me that's enough. I went out and took pictures when I was getting the mail to share with everyone.

Picture 248

Picture 249


Midnight Purls said...

I've been eyeing up the slouchy hat. Especially the Purl Beret. It uses one skein of sock yarn, and well, you know how I love my sock yarn!

sko_G knits said...

brrr, just looking at that snow is making me cold!! oh wait, let me turn down the A/C in here...

looks like you are keeping busy, i love that scarf you are wearing, did you make it?

Shadkitty said...

I think you stole my snow. It snowed in AZ, why not here? I want some snow, FedEx it to me. :D

Anonymous said...

Cool snow! I can't believe I was just in that stuff last week. Now it's shorts weather in SD!

sunneshine said...

Soooo glad that its your snow and not mine! Love the slouchy hat - think that I may have to make one, thanks for the link!! So excited to see your noni bag, have been contemplating making one....

Charles said...

I know...CA was over 80 It was really hot!!

It has been 10 year i never seen snow before... It is great pic you and snowing weather!! COOL COOL

Anonymous said...

You're pretty much the cutest guy ever. Everyone was thinking it.