knitxcore.: digging for content.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

digging for content.

i don't have much for you guys today :-(

you can see pictures from the protest art show on MY VOX.

issue #7 of knitknit is out now, they go fast but you can buy one HERE. i haven't gotten mine yet, but i will be sure to tell you all about it after it arrives.

I found a site that lets you in on all the upcoming indie craft shows all over the u.s. a few days ago. pretty awesome.

i feel like i need to make the swiss cheese scarf. i love cheese <333

the noni bag needs a lining and a clasp, and she's all done. maybe i'll finally get to that second sock this week.

natalie dee


Deneen said...

I adore the crap out of Regina (Monster Crochet aka swiss cheese scarf) and yes, make one. Elena is the lucky recipient of her funky mohair jellyfish, as well as her Sir Winchell donut, complete with eyeball.

Go, make the scarf, Regina so rocks.

(HA! My word verification letters were wmlSLUT)

Obsidian Kitten said...

see, monstercrochet *totally* rocks

mmm, c h e e s e . . .

Andrea said...

Hi. Thanks for commenting. I LOOOVE H&M. I go to Woolbearers all the time. That's where I learned to knit.