knitxcore.: I blame Reese Witherspoon.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I blame Reese Witherspoon.

If she wasn't such a covincing idiot, I never would have ruined my beautiful RPM sock. I was just knitting along and minding my own business when she destroyed what I had worked so hard to create. Somehow, during the first 20 minutes of Legally Blonde I had moved the stitch pattern over 4 or 5 stitches. OH yeah! Did I mention I was on the last pattern repeat before the heel flap? Yeah, it sux. If it had been on bigger needles, I could have just pulled back the 9 rows i messed up. Unfortunately, I don't have the patience to pick up 80ish stitches on size 1 needles. I frogged the whole damn thing! His remains lie here:

frogged rpm

Even Dave was asking why I frogged the entire sock. It's a small price to pay for my sanity.


I didn't want to torture you all with real clips from the movie. Can you believe it's a goddamn musical? HAHAHA.




Dave said...

Oh, ouch. On both counts.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha, that's how almost every sock I've tried to knit ended up and I wasn't even watching a movie. I have exactly one sock to show for all my efforts.

Jana said...

Ugh, my heart goes out to you! I ruined a sock this week myself, the carnage is horrible, I'm trying to muster the courage to put it on the blog. Unfortunately, I don't think mine is Reese's fault, this one is my own darn incompetence. Blech.

Anonymous said...

Its totally Reese's fault! Sorry that you had to frog it back...

Viscount X said...

It is tragic that it has become a movie. What's next, Jackass the Musical? Oh yeah, they did that at the end of Jackass II.

Anonymous said...

While my eyes were welling up at the tragedy of a sock in ruin (I feel your pain), I was completely derailed by the clip you posted. Oh, the travesty! I wasn't going to make it through the entire number, but I'm glad I stuck it out--I think Meg Ryan still holds the award for best fake "O"!

Anonymous said...

I saw the musical when it was testing out here in sf(god I love this city broadway shows test here, I saw wicked before anyone else even knew about it!!) and it was actually rather good in a really bad way...


P.s. I'm your swap partner and I suck please forgive me because I haven't sent you package yet :-( I will soon and I will make it worth your trouble...

pamela wynne said...

Poor sock! And first Hairspray, then Edward Scissorhands, and now this? Why do they keep making my favorite movies into crappy musicals?

Calling on Kahlo said...

Hmm, Reese is on again tonight with Sweet Home Alabama but I limit my intake of chick flick cheesy romances. Sorry you had to rip.

Davin said...

Oh my lord! I almost died! What amazes me about things like that musical, is that the writer had to have been encouraged by other people to do it! So sorry about the sock, sometimes it's best to just start over.

sunneshine said...

Sorry about your sock!! But really it is better to be sane!

Anonymous said...

Well if one could get ahold of your email address, one might send you an invite.

Shadkitty said...

Damn that Reese Witherspoon! She made me knit a baby hat too small on Friday night. Of course, I was watching Sweet Home Alabama, so it may have actually been Josh Lucas. *grin*

Poor sock! It shall rise again! Much better than the last time. :)

Gloria Quincy said...

So sorry you had to frog! I probably would have torn out the whole thing too, as I also hate trying to get all those stitches back on properly.

Midnight Purls said...

Sorry to hear about your sock. Don't you just hate when that happens?

BTW, you're tagged. Check out my blog for deets.

altaviese said...

Wow, sorry to hear about the sock. That's just as bad as me getting through most of the sock, then forgeting where I was in the pattern. Now i have to frog b/c i have no way of figuring out where to go from there.

Good luck starting over.