knitxcore.: there's way more than 8 weird things about me.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

there's way more than 8 weird things about me.

stylemob 2

I have been tagged by Crafty Andy:

OK, here are the rules: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

Eight Things about me:

1. I'm quite a fan of how old people dress. The whole thing; house shoes, cardigans, thick glasses. If you're over sixty, you've possibly inspired my wardrobe. Which leads to my number 2:

2. I'm probably the biggest fan of Mama's Family ever! There's something about the innocence of 80's sitcoms, before you could say "bitch" on TV or spend hours googling your own name, that seems to be missing in modern society.

3. I love Jazz & Folk music. Not the modern weirdo Kenny G. crap (no offense to any fans!), but real soulful jazz. Think Nina Simone, Otis Redding, Bob Dylan, and Vashti Bunyan.

4. My name is French as are my great grandparents, but my obsession goes far beyond that. I can't speak a word, but I love to watch french movies, listen to french music and drink wayyy more coffee than I should at times. I know sometimes, it gets on Dave's nerves but the culture is just amazing to me. When no one else is home, you'll definitely find listening to music I don't understand or watching a movie very closely so I won't miss the subtitles whizzing by.

5. Sometimes, when I talk I think people are just waiting for their turn to say something.

6. I have quite a big collection of records but, no record player.

7. I have a secret love affair... with my crock pot.

8. I pretty much need a routine or a list, otherwise i would just walk into walls, babbling incoherently all day.

I can't remember which of you have already done this, so if you haven't consider yourselves TAGGED!!!




Anonymous said...

Hee hee it was nice to learn more about you. I hope you get this comment, my comments never seem to show up here :o(

royfenn said...

Since I no longer blog, I don't consider myself tagged....

I LOVE Mama's Family!!!!! We're eerily similar.....

Nina Simone is awesome....

dickie said...

I feel the same about number 5. =)
Did you knit that vest in the first picture?

Jana said...

#3 is not not weird. This is the way things really ought to be. Nina Simone and Otis Redding-that's real music like it is what all other music tries to be somehow. Or should try to be I guess. #2 is how it should be too. It still weirds me out when people say 'bitch' on sitcoms. That and when they say 'ass.' When did this change? I still find it eerily jarring. Maybe I'm just a prude...

Marlena said...

I really thought maybe I was the only one who has a stack of records and no turntable. After mine broke, I couldn't bear to get rid of the records (a collection including my first ever album, Like A Virgin), but as I have most of the music on my computer now, I might never actually buy another turntable at all.

Unless I find one of those awesome cabinet ones like my dad used to have.

Kyle William said...

I'm with you - I love Mama's family... and the way old folks dress... I'm a big fan of that non matching but looks good type of look... although I'm not real good at pulling it off...


Shadkitty said...

Okay, so I just want you to know that this post totally solidifies my adoration of you! This is great stuff. Okay, I am not feeling one and two.

You mean you are into the more bluesy jazz stuff, I love that. And I took French for five years. Of course, all I can remember is how to ask where the bathroom is.... Have you heard Protege Moi by Placebo? I love that song soooo much!

I want a crockpot! And constantly use lists. I love organization and things make me crazy when they are disorganized (except my bedroom). Actually, there is a list sitting next to me right now...that says I should be doing things other than reading blogs. lol

sko_G knits said...

well, CERTAIN old folks. right? the other day i saw on old lady (prbably in her 70s) on the street waiting to cross, in a lavender skirt-suit, in heels with hose, and gloves to match...and her white hair? had that lavender tint to it too!! omg, she was FABULOUS!!

i also often wonder if people are not paying attention to the WORDS, but are just waiting their turn to speak...especially when i am in meetings.

Calling on Kahlo said...

Nina Simone is the bestest ever! I saw her perform at NJPAC up close. I have so many of her cd's. I love Louis Armstrong, Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Bessie Smith, old female vocalists.

Charles said...

Hey Bro~~~
I also got the MEME again....
I love Jazz & Folk music too.
Bob Dylan is favorlet soulful singer and artist. One of his song "One more cup of coffee" all time my one of favorite his song.

I guess you like old thing and looks, emo style big O glasses, and pinstirp jacket....
It is so awesome to see your lifestyle and learn about more about you!

Kiss and love!


Crafty Andy said...

You are a great Sport and deserve lots of new yarn for the fall. I enjoyed yor way of expression in this meme. You are very impressive Kid!

Anonymous said...

I totally heart Mama's Family. In fact, I was watching an episode before I came to work today. It's all over my DVR.

lupinbunny said...

I like people that are old before their time. I tease myself about being a nana in a twenty-two-year-old body, but sometimes it rings a bit true :(

It's nice to see an apparent granpa reincarnate who's still cool ;)

Dottie said...

Crock pot yeah! I'm going home right now to eat the Beef Bourginon that is warming away in my trusty old slow cooker!

Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for posting that Nina Simone clip. That was such a beautiful song. You've really switched me onto her. I love the way she says "boobies" and it's just another part of her body. It's such a beautiful song, so full of hope and sadness and the hardness of life and also self affirmation. It made me thing about refugees. It also made me think about myself. Pure poetry.
So thank you for posting it. More please.

PS. I followed you here from craftster, everyone go look at my knitted plastic bag curtain. :P I really like you knitting too. Keep up the good work.

stephen said...

your overflowing creativity is so immensely inspiring. thank you for adding me to your links, i added you to "mes amis" on my page.
with admiration,
stephen in seattle

melissa said...

do you get ion television where you live? i only recently discovered this channel, and it has the most random programming ever, including a full hour of mama's family every evening! good times!