knitxcore.: TheAbsentKnitter rox....

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

TheAbsentKnitter rox....

Because, not only did she send me some awesome stuff:


But, she also put up a sweet tutorial on how to make *awesome* star pillows on her blog:

Sweet Star Pillow

I made this one with some fabric Dave picked out about 2 months ago. I have a few sewing WIP's laying around and I was apprehensive to start something new, but the pillow went super fast, and I already had everything I needed.

I don't really do any sort of patchwork, and I still flew right through this project. It was a lot of fun watching the star shape up. My only regret is that I may not have stuffed it enough. I can always go back and fix that when I'm feeling ambitous, maybe I'll just toss it in the dryer and see if it fluffs up.

To make one for yourself (or just revel in Karen's awesomeness), check out her blog @


Crafty Andy said...

Love the Pillow. You are getting very Crafty as time goes by!

Jana said...

Wow, sewing always impresses me. Not just a pillow but a star shaped pillow? Fancy!

Marlena said...

Adorable pillow! I really need to dust off my sewing machine.