knitxcore.: spt+fo.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


spt foliage

I've decided to combine Self Portrait Thursday with my most recent FO, Foliage from
I finished this hat sorta late (late in my house means after 11pm, lol) last night, and didn't have the energy to take any "good" FO pics, sorry. This lil guy is going to be wrapped up and put with the X-mas pile, eventually.

love lomo.

Pattern Particulars

Pattern Source:
Foliage From
Needles: Susan Bates Size 9 16" pink metal circular, Addi Natura Size 8 16" circular
Rio De Plata Wool Multi
Time: About 5 hours
loved: the pattern!!! i had a bad experience once with a top-down hat and swore i'd never do one again. Foliage has renewed my faith. hated: knitting lace, I have the attention span of a walnut.

mods: The Rio was a weird weight, so the worsted pattern wouldn't cut it. I used Size 9 needles and did 2 and 1/2 lace pattern repeats with 6 rows of ribbing before the BO. It fits kinda slouchy, exactly how i wanted.

I'm super duper excited right now! I have possibly the coolest cake ever, in the oven. I was going to wait to show you my finished cake but you need to go buy this pan, NOW! (while it's on sale for $14.99) Martha Stewart is a genius!!!

Martha Stewart Igloo Cake Mold -

I'll take pictures of mine when it's finished, and give you all the gritty details.



Jana said...

I love it that Martha has teamed up with Macy's. Stupid K-mart can eat her dust. Great hat. Another one I want to make, someday...

Lynn said...

I just fnished up a Foliage hat the other day too... my first hat! One of these days the FO pictures will go up on ravelry.

Yours looks great. Slouchy really works with this hat.

Shadkitty said...

Are you serious?! I love lace because I am so easily bored. Anyways, the hat is GORGEOUS!! Some day, I might actually try that pattern.

P.S. I am really excited by the igloo cake.

Crochet Goddess said...

Great hat I like the colors. I love Martha.

Obsidian Kitten said...

cute cute cute

Anonymous said...

I am feeling lame and too lazy to e-mail, but I wanted to drop a line and tell you that I actually do like my knit picks needles. Some of the cords have never broken apart and there are lots of good things about them. If you get a set, I hope you love them. I've just decided they are not to spend anymore of my own money on them.

sunneshine said...

love the igloo cake! How fun!

The hats are great! They are the perfect lace project - quick!

Gloria Quincy said...

You are a hat-making machine!!

Charles said...

HEY Ribbie~~

Idont remember your your email...Just wanna say you have a Merry Chirstmas!

Your friend,

Calling on Kahlo said...

Happy New Year sweetie!

I love the cake molds that are seasonally available at Williams Sonoma.