![SPT 013108: Morning Coffee](http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2009/2232571459_550b5dcbec.jpg)
sitting down with the to-do list and some yukon blend.
i have so much to do today, but martha stewart is about to come on. will someone come fold my laundry?
Travis - Why Does It Always Rain On Me
The story begins:
The Friday before X-mas, I went to work like any normal day. By about 5 o'clock, I felt like death. My face was throbbing and the was a big purple bubble on my gums. Turns out big purple bubble means, "Remember that broken tooth? Well, now you have an abcess!". Gross! The pain was unbearable, and I was deathly afraid it was going to break, so Dave took me straight from work to the emergency room. They pretty much confirmed it was an abscess, gave me antibiotics and pain medicine, and told me that I couldn't go to the dentist until it went away.
So, I was basically doped up through Christmas.
Anyway, the abcess is gone. Yesterday, I finally had my dentist appointment. He poked around for a few minutes, left for about 20 minutes, and came back with a game plan. As it turns out, I need a root canal, filling, and a crown... ON THE SAME TOOTH! I'm pretty excited :-( My appointment was supposed to be tomarrow, they called today and re-scheduled for the 18th. Fun TiMeS!
So that's why I haven't blogged in a few weeks. But I haven't let it put a damper on my crafty-style. I've inherited a lifetimes worth of plastic canvas and yarn (I'm not 60, I swear!), so expect some cool stuff. I've started a Fidget with my Chumky Misti Alpaca from Loop, I'm awful at paying attention, but I refuse to use a row counter for a 4-row stitch pattern. Maybe I'm a knitting sadist? Santa brought me not one, but two cast iron dutch ovens that I can't seem to stop playing with and a blooming tea set (a la Marie Atoinette)that I'm waiting to use until we can have a proper tea :-)
Seinfeld-Jerry is a rabid anti-dentite.