If you can't figure out what the crazy apparatus behind me is, or figure out why I'm wearing a bib and there's no lobster in the picture, it's because I've been hangin out at my *awesome* dentist's office.
The story begins:
The Friday before X-mas, I went to work like any normal day. By about 5 o'clock, I felt like death. My face was throbbing and the was a big purple bubble on my gums. Turns out big purple bubble means, "Remember that broken tooth? Well, now you have an abcess!". Gross! The pain was unbearable, and I was deathly afraid it was going to break, so Dave took me straight from work to the emergency room. They pretty much confirmed it was an abscess, gave me antibiotics and pain medicine, and told me that I couldn't go to the dentist until it went away.
So, I was basically doped up through Christmas.
Anyway, the abcess is gone. Yesterday, I finally had my dentist appointment. He poked around for a few minutes, left for about 20 minutes, and came back with a game plan. As it turns out, I need a root canal, filling, and a crown... ON THE SAME TOOTH! I'm pretty excited :-( My appointment was supposed to be tomarrow, they called today and re-scheduled for the 18th. Fun TiMeS!
So that's why I haven't blogged in a few weeks. But I haven't let it put a damper on my crafty-style. I've inherited a lifetimes worth of plastic canvas and yarn (I'm not 60, I swear!), so expect some cool stuff. I've started a Fidget with my Chumky Misti Alpaca from Loop, I'm awful at paying attention, but I refuse to use a row counter for a 4-row stitch pattern. Maybe I'm a knitting sadist? Santa brought me not one, but two cast iron dutch ovens that I can't seem to stop playing with and a blooming tea set (a la Marie Atoinette)that I'm waiting to use until we can have a proper tea :-)
Seinfeld-Jerry is a rabid anti-dentite.
Drugs. Drugs are the answer. I'm horribly claustrophobic and had to have some pretty extensive oral surgery a few years back. Ativan, Versed, Demerol - wonderful stuff.
Oh my gosh, that sounds so painful...hang in there, I'm sending good thoughts your way.
Ouchy!! That really sucks. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed you come out alive. :)
OH YEK~~~Robbie!
What a new year story! Hoping that pain goes away and take drugs ...You will be fine!
Glad to hear that it's done....hope you're on a good way to full recovery soon! (I remember that my jaw ached for a week after getting a root canal.)
Oh, poor you! Thanks for the reminder that I should get that broken tooth fixed before something BAD happens. :-)
Horrible crap. I've been blessed with nary a tooth problem (plenty of other problems, but great teeth), however my hubby has problems all the the time. I am anti-dentite too just because of childhood issues with the dentist.
Good luck Rob!
And yes, drugs are your friend.....no one is gonna give you any medals at the end of the day because you had all the pain and suffering without meds-remember that.
Oh man, your holiday sounds less fun than mine was. Once you're feeling better, we have to get together. I still have your birthday gift to give you. I'm such a bad friend. LOL.
I'm so jealous you got not one, but two dutch ovens for Christmas. Santa wouldn't being me the Le Creuset Dutch Oven I've been lusting after. In fact, Santa called me crazy when he saw the price tag. ;)
Wow, that totally sucks. I hope you're not in pain much longer.
awww, poor robbie!!!
well, now at least you can get some gold up in there, or ooo, how about a bejeweled crown!?! FAB!!
i hope you were still able to enjoy the holidays, and i know i would be SUPER EXCITED about new dutch ovens!! i've been drooling over that new color le creuset has come out with...
blegh. my husband is getting his root canal next week. i have never seen him cry til a few weeks ago when a similar situation happened to him.
good luck, xo
poor you :(
Due to health issues I have to be totally knocked out for dental surgery so have never had to undergo anything like conscious. Although I did have 4 wisdom teeth out in one and when I came round from the anaesthetic the pain was unbearable. Hope all goes well. Take Care
Bummer about the tooth, hope you feeling better soon!
So sorry to hear that you weren't feeling well... there's a great and easy bread recipe that my husband makes in his cast iron pot - no kneading just mixing and rising!!
Bummer about your Painful experience. Take good care of your mouth, keeps the dentist away . I will have you in my positive thoughts for your quick healing. I kissed your blogging!
Happy New Year Anyway!
Ahh, what a cruel thing to happen to any mo.
Take care -- and prescription drugs.
Robbie, I have had a root canal, and it wasn't that bad. I hope your doc is good and keeps you pain-free! Can't wait to see your WIPs! And I LOVE blooming tea sets!
Seriously, I demand valium to even walk through dentist's door. That's just the ice-breaker.
What a dramatic karmic see-saw. You're mouth starts falling apart/ you get awesome housewares. Weird. Best of luck with the oral surgery. I echo my commrades' sentiments: Drugging yourself into oblivion.
Oh my god, I actually have an appointment for a routine check up today. I hate going there even just for that. It's like just the chair or the sounds of the machines or something, it practically gives me hives! My heart goes out to you! I hope you feel better soon, take those drugs!!!
Yikes! No fun! I hope your next proceedure goes more smoothly.
Yikes! No fun! I hope your next proceedure goes more smoothly.
Dude--I've been through the root canal/crown procedure five times so far. After all of the scary things I heard before my first one, I thought it would be the end of me. Actually, it wasnt't that bad! Now I just fall asleep during them! Just remember, if you feel any pain afterward, it's still better than that abcess pain.
Aw, sucky! I hope your recovery is smooth.
Also, I am so jealous of your cast iron ovens. I want one so bad! I use my cast iron skillet for everything O possibly can, but I need something with larger capacity.
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