knitxcore.: Spring Cleaning!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Spring Cleaning!

I need to get rid of some magazines but, i couldn't bear to throw these away. Maybe you want to make the Twinkle Shopping tunic, or that fancy cabled Michael Kors sweater?

I'm asking $3 + shipping for each one (they're originally $5.99), but all interesting trades will be considered....

VK Holiday 05

VK Holiday 05 (ravelry) SOLD!

VK winter 0506

VK winter 05/06 (ravelry) SOLD!

VK Spring Summer 06

VK Spring/Summer 06 (ravelry)

VK fall 06

VK fall 06 (ravelry) SOLD!

VK winter 06

VK winter 06 (ravelry) SOLD!

VK holiday 06

VK holiday 06 (ravelry)

Please get them outta my house!




Handmade Belle said...

I'll take Vogue Knitting, Holiday 2005 off your hands. I'm in the UK so contact me at and let me know how much and what shipping costs would be... I really do want to knit that tricksy Michael Kors sweater ;)

Birdsong Designs said...

Delurking to lust over the Capecho cover of Vogue knitting-- I've sent you Ravelry Mail.

Anonymous said...

I would totally try to take some of these off your hands but I'm a certified magazine freak and already have these in my closet!

Crafty Andy said...

Good luck onyour Spring Cleaning!

Wilma Fingerdu said...

damn to bad I already have them lol

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'd love to take the Vogue Fall 06 and the VK Winter 05/06 off your hands if they haven't already been sold. I'm in Australia, so please let me know how much shipping for the 2 mags would cost. You can contact me at
Cheers, Vanessa

James said...

That's so weird. I have all of those, and only those, issues of Vogue knitting. Crazy. I guess there's no accounting for good taste.