knitxcore.: Scrubbing Day!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Scrubbing Day!

is my favorite day :-)

Pippi Longstocking - Scrubbing Day

one of my all time favorite movies. ever.

i've been using mrs. meyers lavendar all-purpose cleaner on scrubbing day to mop the floor. It smells so effing good!!!!!



sko_G knits said...

omg, you wanna come over to my house?

Unknown said...

I've been wondering how that works.

Sandra said...

mmm, lavender. . .

Cassy said...

I use the same stuff! I love the smell, niceties for the enviro, and it doesn't kill your hands either.

.girl ferment. said...

oh pippi what a mess.
thanks for sharing this, i have not seen it since i was a kid.

Crafty Andy said...

Lavender is one of my favorite fragances, it is very uplifting! Nice braids!

Wilma Fingerdu said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE that amovie!

Obsessed with knitting said...

Oooh thanks for posting the cleaning product! We just got a new floor and the guy said we could only use Simple Green (or something like that) on it - and I hate the way SG smells. I looked at the store locator Mrs. Meyers and it says it has it my local Target! I can't wait to try it!!

The A.D.D. Knitter said...

Oh I just love Pippi, to the point that I bought the Swedish dvd version of her tv show and made my kids watch it with me until they were like 'umm, yeah, we get it already!'. She is a good house keeping idol, that's what I say!:)