knitxcore.: happy new year.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

happy new year.

i resolve to:

1. excersize everyday; it's a good habit.
2. buy handmade or vintage in every situation possible.
3. stick to my schedule and to-do lists.

did you make resolutions this year?  what are they?


ABBA - Happy New Year



Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I want to take more walks in the trees...and find work that I enjoy and find fulfilling. And KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN.

LittleCanoe said...

To not have a repeat of last year!

knittingbrow said...

My goal is to get things done.

How do you do your to-do list?

Obsidian Kitten said... i listen to this song every new year. (okay, and in between, too) i was *eleven* for new year's 1980 (EEEEK!) and wondering what the end of 1989 would hold. haw!!!!