Migraines have always been a part of my life. My whole family gets them. In addition to heredity, I have pretty terrible vision. So, these things are an inevitability.
My heads feels like it is about to explode. I can't even edit photos properly (haha).
I know a few tricks, but I was wondering if any of you get migraines and what you do to relieve yourselves.
I usually get a shower, drink some peppermint tea and smear on tiger balm. But I'm hoping for some different natural remedies I may not have tried for next time.
What do you do to soothe these nasty lil' buggers?
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agh! i wouldnt even know where to start, never had the pleasure of a migrane, i hear dark dark dark rooms help :)
Bummer! My MIL gets them a lot and had to change her diet to lessen the frequency of her migraines. She cut out chocolate and cheese and seems to have pretty good results. But, oh, what a price!
Luckily, I've never really had any terrible migraines.. but I've known family to.. My aunt made her own heating bag she filled with rice and heats it in the microwave and that usually works. :)
Yep, I get them. I usually lose two days of my life with each one. One day with the head pain and flashing lights in my eyes, and another day with the "hangover" feeling.
I like heat, but I know a woman who craves ice on her head. This actually makes sense since you want to contract the blood vessels to releave the pain.
My feeling is: if I didn't have a headache, and I put ice on my head, I would get one, so why would I want to put ice on my head if it was already hurting.
The heat helps me relax. I love a hot face cloth over my eyes and a heating pad around the back of my neck.
Sorry to hear you get migraines, I've never had one but know a few people who do suffer from them. I have heard about the dark room remedy and the cutting out cheese & chocolate remedy. Otherwise, I have nothing to offer you but sympathy. :(
Hope you feel better.
My aunt was a chronic Migrane sufferer, and she cut out white flour, rice etc.. anything that is bleached and her migraines really improved, she had them way less and could usually attribute them to something she had eaten
I also get migraines. For me, they are often triggered by stress or by not drinking enough water. I've started taking Vitamin B12 which is supposed to help, and I feel I have been getting them less. Other than trying to stress less, drink plenty of water, and take B12, I would say take a nap if nothing else is working. Sometimes you wake up with it being less painful.
You poor thing. My dad and I both get these. I usually take a bath, drop some peppermint oil in there, and put a hot washcloth across my forehead. Then I just sleep off that S.O.B. My dad like Excedrin PM because it knocks you out faster. Feel better. :(
oh no! you sound like me. headaches/migraines and bad vision run in my family as well. when i get a migraine, i usually don't have the patience for a natural remedy. they sometimes work for me with "normal" headaches, but for migraines i turn to the man-made stuff.
a few years ago i sucked it up and went for the corrective surgery for my vision and let me tell you...that helped A LOT in reducing the frequency of the headaches/migraines.
i get these visual migraines that don't really hurt (very low grade) but i begin to lose my eye sight. it takes sitting down, closing my eyes, a few tylenol and lots of water to stop them. i hate it when they start when i'm driving. booo.
I make myself vomit, but not after I sit in the dark with complete silence for hours. Drink coffee and take Fiorinal.
When I was younger, I had terrible migraines, and I would often opt for a shot of Imitrex, which always put me to sleep and made me feel better. However, it's not for everyone (especially if you're a afraid of needles).
To take a natural route, my doctor once suggested that eating black licorice would help. I've never tried it because I think it's gross.
Honestly the easiest way for me to feel better is throwing up, how awful is that? Luckily I haven't had a migraine in over ten years!
My mom gets migranes, it ain't a pretty sight. I sympathize :C She used to get them real bad and all she could do was lock herself in a dark room and lie down with her eyes closed. :CCCC what steven andrew said always worked for her too!
migraines suck so bad! i take daily medication to keep my stupid chronic headaches away. but when a bad one breaks through I find that strong black tea and a hot shower helps. sometimes i'll put a frozen bag of peas on my head. but if my headache is from hunger, i found that tea doesn't help in that situation. i have it all down to a science ;) and unfortunately the medication that worked the best for me - Midrin - isn't being produced anymore. go figure!
hope your feeling better soon!
i have heard that taking a magnesium bath helps a lot. epsom salt is magnesium sulfate, and if you can find magnesium chloride it works even better. or drinking something like Calm which is magnesium. it is a natural muscle relaxer and our rep told us that it is really helpful for migraines. they sell it at whole foods if you have one near you.
I get migraines too. They are so very horrible and sadly I'm yet to find any natural remedies that really help. I usually take a hot shower, take some strong painkillers and just hop into bed. Sometimes I put a cold washcloth or ice on my head too.. I've found that I get less migraines when I don't eat sugar but honestly, I'm not very good at that!
Katie x
Great blog!! I love the term "crafternoon" you used in one of your posts, I hope you don't mind if I borrow it?
As for migranes: If I don't nip it in the bud by taking panadol as soon as I feel a headache coming on, then I know I won't be able to prevent it coming at full force. Then either I try to sleep it off (when possible) in a dark room, otherwise wait it out.. I usually end up vomiting from migraines, and only then will I start to feel a little better :(
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