knitxcore.: vinyl monday: jens lekman.

Monday, October 03, 2011

vinyl monday: jens lekman.

Vinyl Monday

vinyl monday: jens lekman

It's less than sixty degrees today!  Can you believe it? Fall has most definitely arrived!
I've been cuddled up on the couch reading "Things Fall Apart", while a spaghetti squash roasts in the oven.
I opened up all of the windows and pulled out a few blankets.

My mind keeps wandering through a list of autumnal favorites, while I try to read this book.

Things I Love About Fall:

-Great Music!

What are your fall favorites?


Coming up...
-A Work in Progress: Bird Mask.
-Vintage Halloween Inspiration
-Fabric Pumpkins
-Punching (ANOTHER) Rug.
-A Haircut
-and maybe a finished sock?

...Stay Tuned!!!!


Anonymous said...

I do like Jens Lekman! Reminds me of The Magnetic Fields.

It's not terribly fancy, but my fall favorite is cinnamon toast! Yumz!

willyg said...

To answer your question,
Apple cider. (I recently had some with maple spice... yum!)
Wooly handknit mitts and mittens.
Cabled sweater vests, also handknit.
Smelly candles that trigger my allergies.
Rustic worsted weight yarns.
The smell of leaves.
Outdoor festivals.
The chill that makes me want to wear all my woolies.
Slipping on handknit socks when I come home from work.
And I Just baked cookies. Apricot-craisin-oatmeal.

Jada said...

I had like an internet friendship with this guy. We emailed on and off a few years ago because I went to his show in Philly and told him that his show changed my life. Hahah, so yes...Jens is amazing! His new ep makes my ears happy!

Sian said...

love the song.x

Anastasia said...

All of the above! I love all that! Also this boy's music is right up my alley <3 my extremely vast and messy musical alley

Jessi said...

I open all the windows in the fall to- I love the cold air coming in..and pumpkin everything is all a fall fav

Erin Joy said...

You've about covered them all!