knitxcore.: Vinyl Monday: Sonny and Cher.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Vinyl Monday: Sonny and Cher.

Sonny and cher recordUntitled

This was one of the other "Buy 2, Get 1 Free" records from last week.

I was actually embarrassed to buy this. It just didn't seem like something a cool kid would be picking up at a record store. I may have even actually mumbled something about how "this isn't for me, it's a gag gift".

Totally not a gag gift. Possibly a guilty pleasure.

I know that Cher is a big deal. I get it. I just don't subscribe to her current "brand", I guess. Aging pop-star/divas just aren't for me.

However, there was definitely a moment in time when she was AMAZING. It's abundantly clear; she was cool enough to rope in all of the coolest mustachioed bros in the mid to late 70s.

Can you stand how adorable her Sonny's outfits were? Consistently cute.

What are YOU listening to today?


Erin Joy said...

Love pic of the two of them in matching maroon leather jackets - laughing like loons. Cool is relative.

Colby Kern said...

I have this one! Well, I have everything Cher ever did. That woman is flawless

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh - I love that paper doll of Cher! How cool! ^_^

Sian said...

'aging pop star/divas aren't for me' - what? i LOVE aging pop stars! also have you seen the film burlesque? cher does sterling work in that.
love the paper doll too...x