knitxcore.: 365/14

Monday, January 14, 2013




I hate eating in the morning, but I do have a routine.

-Royal King Organic Green Tea
-4 MAXI-HAIR Multi-Vitamins
-2 Fish Oil Supplements

These vitamins are so good. They should charge at least double for them.
I got my first bottle in an Influenster box for free, but they made my skin look so good that I decided I needed to take them forever. My hair and my beard look fuller as well. This isn't a sponsored post, I'm not doing it to get free stuff. I already did. I'm buying them at my own expense because I love them that much.


Isaida said...

I may have to check out those vitamins!

And I'm loving your 365. Keep it up! :)

Tamara said...

Whoa whoa whoa. Are these vitamins meant to make your hair more majestic? If so, I am in. Majestic hair is pretty much my primary goal in life!

Emy Augustus said...

I recently watched this really funny enjoyable documentary on netflix called 'mansome' ... have you seen it? This post reminds me of it. :)

Eartha Kitsch said...

Gonna have to check out those vitamins! I'll ignore the guy on the Amazon reviews who said "These have given me the toots!"