knitxcore.: January 2007

Monday, January 29, 2007

Henry the Hedghog!


I finished Henry on Saturday night, and we went out to play in the snow on Sunday morning! You heard right Sunne! It finally snowed in New Jersey. YAY!

Pattern Particulars

Needles: Clover Takumi Size US 10.5
Yarn: Included in kit from .
Time: Approx. 2 hours (most of it was spent pulling through loops of yarn for hair)
Loved: How quickly the yarn felted, everything I needed except for a tiny bit of Poly-fil was in the kit, the cuteness factor!
Hated: The tiny bald spot i missed.

I definitely want to pick up another kit or even just one of the pattern booklets. I'm so excited about felting again! I want to try needle felting now, and make the fruit from the new issue of Craft:. I'm afraid of jamming the barbed needle in my hand but, it has been a long time since a *severe* crafting injury. I might as well give it a shot.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

WIP Wednesday on Thursday?

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I wanted to do WIP Wednesday like Deneen, but I'm a day late and a buck short, eh? Anyway, this the ol' Besotted Scarf from HelloYarn. It seems like I've been working on it for ages!!! Every time I start a new, smaller project, this guys takes a back seat. The yarn I'm using was a gift from Helena, and I can't remember exactly what it is. I apologize for the awful photo quality. It's been dark and gross and I didn't have time to take it outside.

I started a Basketweave Dishcloth yesterday from the book Dave got me for X-mas. It's pretty much done, I have a couple of rows left and I'll show it off. I'm using some Sugar and Cream from a while ago went I bought wayyyyy too much cotton.

Have any of you seen the Backyard Critter Kits from Crafty Alien??? I am in love!!! I ordered the hedgehog to start off with, but I can promise he won't be the last. They have all kinds of cute lil' creatures including a skunk and a raccoon . I hear the new line will feature some birds and chipmunks. I cant wait for it to come in!!!

And finally, Keith from wanted to let everyone who reads my blog know that until sunday, shipping is free if you enter the secret code (valentines.0207). Remember when I went on about the frozen hot choclate? Well, this is where I got it. The kit comes with a big glass and two straws, fun stuff if there's someone around that you like to kiss <3
Today, I ordered some Retro Valentines for everyone at work and a secret gift for Dave.
There's a bunch of new stuff, like a Peeps Maker and an *AwESOmE* Le Tigre Hoody that I need to be complete :-)
Free Shipping lasts until Sunday, so hurry up!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Inner European is....

Your Inner European is French!

Smart and sophisticated.
You have the best of everything - at least, *you* think so.
Thanx, Lani!

Friday, January 19, 2007

La famiglia della scimmia

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I've been slowly building my sock monkey family. The new guy is the grey striped one on the left. He's about six inches taller than his brother because I found some cool "over the knee" socks. Sock Monkeys are slowly taking over my home. As soon as I had finished the new monkey, he demanded I give him the camera so he could take "pics" for his myspace!!!! I guess everyone really does have a Myspace!

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Yesterday, Dave and I went to Borders and I finally got to check out "DominKNITrix" . I NEED THIS BOOK!!!! The patterns are so-so, but it covers a lot of things in detail that I haven't done yet. The cover is an extra cool shiny vinyl which makes it that much more exciting to put on the bookshelf or the coffee table. I also took a few minutes to check out Jenny Hart's new "Sublime Stitching" book, which was full of really cute embroidery patterns but, covers the same stitches used in the "Stitch-it Kit". I decided not to buy either, yet. The deciding factor was that the new CRAFT: magazine was out and there is a tutorial for needle felted fruit inside. Again, I understand that it is a $15 magazine but, it's worth it to indulge every now and then (it's only quarterly!).
I'm still working on my list of WIP's, maybe I'll show one off on Wednesday??? What One do you guys want to see???
Take My Cool Poll!

Friday, January 12, 2007

WoW! #50

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So, this is my 50th post! I want to thank everyone who's been reading and incourage newbies to say "Hi!".

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I finally have an FO for you all! I just finished up the Slip Stitch Hat from Knit.1. The slip stitch ribbing ended up looking pretty awesome! It's a very simple variation on a 3X3 rib, on every other row you just slip 3 stitches with yarn in front. I'm pretty excited about completing my first top-down hat.

Picture 065

Pattern Particulars

Needles: Clover Takumi Size 6 DPN's

Yarn: Shanghai Noon From Cool Buddha Tonic (Thanx, Charles!)

Time: Approx. 4 hours

Loved: The colorway of the yarn, the unique ribbing and it was a top-down hat.

Hated: The fact that I couldn't try it on during knitting, and the sizing was a bit off (i was on gauge!).

I've decided to throw some of my WIP's into the pond. I frogged a few things that I lost intrest in to focus on some more exciting/important projects. My new, shorter list includes: The Moderne Log Cabin Blanket from Mason-Dixon Knitting, HelloYarn's Besotted Scarf, The second damned Knuck from Knitty, and the Vintage Beaded Gloves I messed up a while ago.

Dave bought me "Knitting With Balls" for X-mas, and he did a great job picking out a knitting related gift. There are some pretty great patterns inside that I won't have to tweak much to fit me. There's an amazing argyle sweter vest and a bunch of pretty fun stuff in great fiber choices. I can't wait to tackle a sweater or a vest this year. I'm really excited about the awesome modern men's patterns in this book.

Currently Rockin':

Artist: Daniel Johnston

Album: Hi, How Are You?

"Daniel Dale Johnston (b. January 22, 1961 in Sacramento, California). Johnston suffers from bipolar disorder with psychotic features and religious preoccupation to the point where he has had to be hospitalized intermittently and his attempts at independent living have been largely unsuccessful. Johnston was the subject of the 2005 documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston. He currently lives with his parents in Waller, Texas.
Johnston has been classified as an outsider musician. His 'songs' are typically painfully direct, and often display a disturbing blend of childlike naïveté with darker, "spooky" themes. Johnston's 'singing' voice is rather high-pitched, and his performances often seem faltering or uncertain; one critic writes that Johnston's recordings range from "spotty to brilliant".

Thursday, January 11, 2007

New Post...

Coming tomarrow. I just took a little bit of time off for the holidays... I'll be back in full swing soon :-)

Monday, January 01, 2007

6 Weird Things About Me Meme!

I was tagged by Sunneshine, so now you all get to learn 6 weird things about me...

1. I love bubble baths!!!! I have to avoid looking at fun bath toys/products because I lose self control. I have these amazing rubber duckies that light up and change colors in the water. I could be in there for hours at time listening to music and playing with bubbles....

2. I dance with my cats when I'm cleaning the house (ALONE). I always listen to loud crazy music like the Blood Brothers or the Gossip when I'm cleaning and it makes us all really hyper.I should probably close the shades. My neighbors probably think I'm nuts.

3. I can't sleep without a blanket, no matter how hot it is!

4. When I'm upset, I sit on the kitchen floor... I always have, I don't know why... I just do it.

5. When I'm angry or stressed out, I clean like Cinderella. I scrub the floors, and every little spot that usually goes untouched. It helps me calm down and focus on the situation (or forget about it).

6. I'm a HUGE fan of poop jokes. You can just say poop, and I'm rolling on the floor. It's totally immature, and gross. But, I just can't help myself!

I think most of you have already done this, but if you haven't feel free :-)