knitxcore.: friday the 13th.

Friday, April 13, 2007

friday the 13th.

not really a holiday, but a good day to watch zombie videos on youtube.

the song is by my fave band, tilly and the wall. the people in it know how to party.


Charles said...


Anonymous said...

now....if only the people I knew partied that way I think they wouldn't have as many bruises! Do you also offer advise for these sad folks who drink too much and fall down stairs though won't openly admit it? We'll enough of that! How's things? I will be a the LYS on Sunday finally. Lynn does not work there anymore, shoot me an email on how to contact her and do not forge to come to South Jersey knitters guild next meeting on may 3rd at the Ventnor Library from 7-9 p.m., you can come sit with me and my knitty sister. We can't knit as well as you can but hey, we show up anyway because all the little old ladies have the best darn tips around! Catch you soon. P.S. don't ask how I had time to write this, because the reality is that I live in what is called negative time- that's where you are always behind in everything!!! P.S. Went to the Mall at Caesars and into Lush- watch out for those paraben preservatives- synthetic food coloring and synthetic fragrance all of these are health nasties!

BEESTLYproducts said...

JENNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!! i don't have your email :-/ i'm pretty sure we'll be coming up on sunday too... negative time.. hehe :-)