knitxcore.: Roller Skating is awesome.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Roller Skating is awesome.


Everyone knows I've lost it, I'm completely obsessed with the past. Today, I got to revel in nostalgia @ the Roller Rink. That's right, KnitXcorE on roller skates! The rinks haven't changed much since I was 10. Everything is a puke-tastic shade of neon, it smells like feet and burnt pizza and you still do the hokey pokey. AMAZING! It was like being in the most ridiculous time warp ever. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and had to snap a quick one with my phone.

The Baby Surprise Jacket is coming along nicely, I'm on row 60, out of about 110 (a lil' more than half-way). I'm using a hand dyed yarn, so I'm using alternating balls of yarn to keep the colors from pooling. I can't wait to finish it! Once it's finished I can pick my sock back up, b/c I'm out of row counters :-( I'm too paranoid to just count the rows myself, so that's not even an option.

And to all of you that don't think roller skating is cool, I have one word... XANADU!


Midnight Purls said...

The BSJ's looking good! I'm 6 rows from finishing mine up, and I'm terrified I'm going to run out of yarn mid cast off.

Wilma Fingerdu said...

I just bought a brand new pair od SKATES!!!!

And I LOVE them!

Eric & Tony said...

You pick some delicious colors -- they make me hungry.

Roller skating? Wow, that is a blast from the past. Although I think I'd break my damn neck if I tried it now.

As for Xanadu, we have the soundtrack on our iPod and we have the DVD!

Anonymous said...

I went to a roller rink in, oh, 1978 or so with my 4th grade class. It was dark and musty and everything was covered with carpet and it was just surreal! I loved it. Did you skate on REAL (non-inline) skates?

sunneshine said...

oh my, I remember those days of mom driving us 45 minutes to the rink - the snowball, backwards skate... ahh... the 80's...

Love the jacket - the colors look so good from the alternating skeins!

Calling on Kahlo said...

I loved Xanadu and yet can remember only five minutes of the damn thing. I remember and love all those 80s moments. Roller skating is awesome!

Jana said...

I went to so many birthday parties at the Skateway roller rink when I was little it was ridiculous. Don't forget all the video games too, people went as much for the arcade as the skating!

Shadkitty said...

Damn. I used to go skating all of the time, like...3 years ago. And on quads. My parents could do all of that 70s disco skating, it was awesome. My skates have purple wheels and a toe-stop. Just haven't been able to find the time to go after I moved. Ah...nostalgia!

Your BSJ looks yummy!! Some day I really must make one. :)

pamela wynne said...

BSJs are perfect for those variegated yarns, and those variegated colors are perfect for babies.

And ummm, you're aware of the Xanadu musical, yes? Oh, yeah, it's for real. And it's fabulous.

Anonymous said...

I love your bsj, what kind of yarn is that?


Gloria Quincy said...

Whoa, I forgot that roller rinks existed. Glad to know they are still fun!!

royfenn said...

Roller Skating is what I plan to do for my birthday this year! Well, that or ice skating..haven't decided just yet! But it will be fantastic and cheesy. But not as cheesy as going to Chuck-E-Cheese!

Good luck with the project!