knitxcore.: SPT: 030608 Personal Party

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

SPT: 030608 Personal Party

personal party

Sometimes, I dance around the house when I'm alone.
Is that weird?

I swear I'll tell you all about that striped scarf on Friday (it's not as exciting as you think).

I'm working on those same socks still, but thinking of starting something else to break up the monotony of a stockinette sock. Maybe just a quick hat? I have a few balls of malabrigo left from the
salad sweater.

---Have a Dance Party of Ur own---

Vampire Weekend - A-Punk (this is what i danced around to!)



amanda said...

It's not weird. I have dance parties, as well as kareoke complete with air guitar, at my house all the time. :)

JohnK said...

Thanks for lightening my morning.

Jana said...

Cool glasses. I don't think it's weird to dance around your house alone. If you were dancing around your dentist's office or the bank or something, it might not go over so well, but I think you're safe at home. Jazz it up!

Joan said...

i looooove your sunglasses.

Sean Turner said...

it's worth dancing around to!

Shadkitty said...

No, I totally do that. Actually, it's worse because I'll dance around in my underwear (usually only before or after a shower and in my bedroom). But I dance while cleaning up A LOT! It makes it easier.

We should organize an online knitting dance party...everyone will dance around their house at the same time and post pictures. :)) I crack myself up.

Killer song. btw

sko_G knits said...

few balls left? i am freaking out about not having enough for my striped sweater. that and the fact that my malabrigo vest stretched in length after blocking!! wait, this has nothing to do with your post, does it? let's talk about ME now.

nuttnbunny said...

That is a serious gift. Thursday afternoon wiggle in the office char!

Charles said...

Did you see video i post?

royfenn said...

I love dancing around the house by myself!