knitxcore.: PMV: The Honey Trees

Monday, May 30, 2011

PMV: The Honey Trees

the honey trees

I'm really terrible at watching movies. It's almost sad, really. Every time someone starts discussing cinema, I look at the floor (or go get a coffee, or count the ceiling tiles, or become really interested in the state of my fingernails). It's not that I dislike movies, there just doesn't ever seem to be enough time to sit around for 2-3 hours.

That being said, I am always "out-of-the-loop" as far as watching movies is concerned. After discussing how I had never seen "Breakfast at Tiffany's", a co-worker loaned me their copy. It took me more than a month to find a pocket of time to sit down and watch it.

AMAZING. I never cried so much while watching a film.

This song rings around in the back of my head at all times now. I keep searching YouTube for covers of "Moon River" and The Honey Trees and Morrissey may share the title for "Most Heart Wrenching Cover of Moon River That I Have Ever Found on Youtube and Listened to Repeatedly". That's not too big for a nice beauty-queen style sash, is it?


Erin Joy said...

Well, if you're only going to see one or two movies in your life, THAT would be the one to see.

Kaitlin said...

I can't lie. This cover of Moon River made me ugly-cry. Wow.

Anonymous said...

oh yes, I have that problem with movies too. Mostly, I have a few favorites that I keep going back to and watching again and again and pick out new details that I've never noticed before.

I've probably seen The Royal Tenenbaums at least ten times, and I only noticed last night that Eli Cash is on the phone with Margot Tenenbaum during the opening narration. I don't know how I missed it all those other times.

LittleCanoe said...

One of the greatest movies ever. I cry so hard every time she's in that alleyway yelling for Cat. This is a gorgeous cover, puts a lump right there in my throat.

knitwick said...

I feel you on the no time for movies thing. Yet, I can sit and watch TV shows for hours on end while doing something else, like knitting. I think that it is an attention issue. I don't want to devote the attention to the movies, as I feel like I shouldn't be doing something else while watching them. Somehow, though, it is fine to do with TV shows... Oh well.

Loved the music video!