I should probably be doing U.S. History homework right now, but I could not resist the siren song of this screen printed turkey! I haven't even taken down the Halloween decorations!
I'm in love with vintage VIP prints. This turkey just so happens to be the SAME BRAND as the fabric pumpkins from last month. I guess I know what I like?
This was actually grueling to make. I haven't sewn in quite a while, and this had a tiny little quarter inch seam allowance. I should have read the directions first and cut the pattern larger. I could have just clipped of the excess when I was finished. Oh well! Lesson learned.
Tom (the turkey) is going to go onto the little vignette where the ghosts are hanging out, once I decide what else I'm going to put there. We really don't have any Thanksgiving specific decorations. Don't worry. we will. I have a handful of DIYs planned for the next two weeks! I hope I can get to them all!
Isn't Tom a babe?
Coming Up...
-A Finished Pair of Socks!
-Vintage Thanksgiving Inspiration.
-Retro Readers Review: James and the Giant Peach.
-Work in Progress: Rewrites Bulletin Board.
-maybe a Friday Vocab Lesson?
tom is amazing.
and thank you for your knitting book suggestion - am on the case.x
That's amazing! I really like the patterns you used! Good job!
tom is such a babe!
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