knitxcore.: MCP: Day 1-3.

Friday, February 03, 2012

MCP: Day 1-3.

I've been quiet for quite a few days, huh? Everybody needs a little break every now and then, I guess. Even though I've been lounging around and working on secret project(s), I've still had my hands full with school and work and catching up on everyone else's blogs.

I came across Andi's "Month of Craft" photo group on Flickr and have been enjoying taking my own daily photos! It's so fun to step outside of super-staged FO shots for a while, to just revel in being crafty without letting my inner perfectionist worry about all the details of those very "important" FO photoshoots. For the most part, I'm only snapping 2 or 3 photos a day for this project, and then lazily editing them online with Pixlr.

It's all very liberating, really. See what I'm talking about?:

MCP: Day 1.
Day 1: "You in Action". I was sewing together tiny felted hearts for a project I'm going to reveal very shortly.

MCP: Day 2.
Day 2: "Tools". This is just a small selection of my straight needles. I love them! Actually, almost of the needles in the picture are either gifts or loans from friends. So, this picture is oddly sentimental.

MCP: Day 3.
Day 3: "An Old FO". This is the very first sweater I knitted in June of 2007. I used the Elizabeth Zimmermann percent system and some dreamy Malabrigo I scored from a destash event :-) I forgot how well it fits! I really should make an effort to wear this more often.

I can't wait to take more pictures! I'm really excited to be a part of this!


Erin Joy said...

Why is that sweater not in constant rotation??? It's wonderful. I love the photos - it's good to spice things up!

Grateful4Crochet said...

I love that sweater- it's gorgeous!!
I like that photo ideas, it will be interesting to see.

Jen said...

Great sweaters! I like the idea of craft photos, looks fun!

Jessi said...

Oh this is fun project!

LittleCanoe said...

That sweater is so awesome! I love the color, and Malabrigo is my absolute favorite!
Good luck on the new pictures, they look great so far!

Eartha Kitsch said...

Oohwhee! That sweater is glorious! I love the idea for this photo project. I love the idea of actually crafting every day too.

Erin Kate said...

That sweater is amazing-perfection! So jealous! If it ever gets shrunk in the wash send it over this way. ;)

Veggie Mama said...

Oh my god, I love this! I'm gonna do it too!!!!!1

eliza said...

looking good! i like these more casual pics! it's nice to see your old sweater!

Kira said...

That sweater looks perfect, man I wish I could knit that well!

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

that sweater is so good! i need you to come teach me to knit. i've been trying to teach myself and it is just not going the way i had hoped.