I don't really discuss it much, but I'm the layout/art editor for Rewrites (our college's literary magazine). It's really exciting to be involved in something outside just going to class, and it provides a great opportunity to network with people outside of my usual circles.
I think, for the most part, that we're probably the most "with it" kids on campus but then again, I've never really been very humble.
Take, for example, our most recent project; a zine composed of six word memoirs (inspired by the folks at Smith Magazine). There's a great collection at NPR for those of you who may need a little clarification on the genre, but a six word memoir is just what it sounds like; a very poignant life story told in only six words. Edgy, right?
I was asked to prepare my own six word memoir and to take a picture of it for the cover. "I hope that she is proud" is both a straightforward and passive aggressive message concerning two very influential women in my life. I probably shouldn't explain it, actually. A professor once told me that I should never explain my work, for fear of soiling someone else's interpretation. But, whatever...
While my message is blatant and you've already seen it, there's are tons more inside of Issue #3 of "8 1/2 X 11" that are just perfect.
I just checked, and I have 5 stamps on the refrigerator so:
The first five people to comment will receive a copy of our zine!!!!
Be sure to leave an e-mail address and your name in the comments.
I wish I could send all of you one, but the post office is really out of the way and stamps aren't cheap!
Just for fun, let's see who can come up with the best six word memoir in the comments, and I'll send them a zine and a last year's copy of "Rewrites"!!!!
I look forward to reading a ton of memoirs!

twinship. zoe? emily. no. wait...zoe
Oh my gosh, I would love to see this. Your memoir is perfect. My heart beats a little faster just trying to rise to the challenge of a six word memoir.
"The words written make me free."
I think my memoir would be "Not just a dreamer, a doer." Maybe that seems really cheesy, but I think it sums up my life pretty well. I guess I shouldn't try to explain it, even though I want to REALLY BADLY! Ha. Maybe you'll get it, though. I'm sure many people can relate to that one.
I love yours, it definitely strikes a chord in me.
I didn't know about this aspect of your life. You should share more!
I like the six word idea a lot. How long did it take you to decide on yours? I read it and formed my own interpretation...I agree with what your professor said. Don't explain unless they ask. But now I'm curious about what it means to you.
I love your photo, Robbie - and your lovely handwritting! And I am sure you are the coolest kids on the campus ^_^
Well, here's a benefit of getting up early for work! Ah, the life of a library minion...Alright, here's mine:
"I can live on much less"
I recently started following your blog and I've been enjoying every post. I would love to receive a copy of your zine.
Mary E
maryhassound @ yahoo [dot] com
Dance freedom in my living room.
Shoot. I'm always late for the party. I love this idea though.
awww i was too slow :c
my 6 worder would beeeeeee
"we never took too awfully long"
i agree with never explaining yourself, but i was semi trained by modern english theorists that insisted the artists' intent should not be considered. it is a piece and can stand for itself, whatever it may be
Alarmingly, when I try to do this, all I can think of are cliches...
"Wherever you go there blooms lemonade."
she was, she wasn't, she is
I agree you would be the coolest kid on campus, and am also intrigued by your 6 word memoir
I totally forgot to include my email... oops...
"Arguably the most argumentative ever known."
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