knitxcore.: Todd Oldham and Kid Made Modern.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Todd Oldham and Kid Made Modern.

I've had a design crush (maybe a not-so-designy one, too) on Todd Oldham for my entire life. Yep. ALWAYS.

In the late 90's (when I was just barely old enough to ride the bus alone), I went to his shop in Soho and basically cried and drooled all over the place. Soho was a dream world; Cynthia Rowley, Anna Sui, and Todd Oldham all in the same place!!! Perfect!

It may have been a little strange for a adolescent boy to be reading Paper Magazine or Flaunt, but even at an early age I had an insatiable appetite for good design. I tended (as I still do) to favor bold colors and mid-century inspired visuals, so it was only natural that I was drawn to Todd's aesthetic He continues to be a major inspiration in all of my work.

I remember special ordering one of his first books at the bookstore and then selling handmade magnets to my neighbors to get together the $45 cover price. It was worth every single penny.

todd tape

Today, we stopped by Target because I wanted to see if anything was left from his KID MADE MODERN line of craft supplies that was released on the 20th. I was prepared for nothing to be left (in true Target fashion), so I was elated to find a FULL END CAP. OMG, right?

I had the same reaction to tangible Todd-ness that I had had ages ago, as an awkward tween in his brightly colored Soho shop. He just gets it? Y'know? My eyes teared up as I started scooping everything off the shelves into a basket.

After picking up one of everything, the voice of reason (Dave) calmed me down and I only bought a few things. I may be secretly planning to go back without him so I can clear off the shelves. Don't tell!!!!

I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to once again support all that is great.

Thank you Target, and thank you Todd!

Who are your FAVORITE designers?


Moe said...

I went in to find some of the stuff too but only found those tapes! I love them but should have bought more than one. :( Now (of course) I can't find anything :( :( :(

Kira said...

I want those tapes! I may need to make a Target trip today.

Also, the thought of you as a kid crying and drooling around Soho gave me a good laugh :)

Sian said...

the tape does look good - as does todd.
maybe you should have ignored the voice of reason(dave)?

shakti said...

those tapes are wonderful! I wonder if our target still has any...

Anonymous said...

That tape is amazing...

But can we have a moment for Todd himself? When did he grow a beard!? This is the most amazing thing ever! He's was a total dish before, but the beard is just... more dish! 0_< Yum.