knitxcore.: Sunday Instagram Round-Up!

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Sunday Instagram Round-Up!

My creation

Row 1:
1. A giant mushroom I saw on the way home from work today.
2. We started getting Halloween things in at the store.
3. Pumpkin Pie Incense from MamaBear
4. A little Autmn-ish vignette in our hallway.

Row 2:
They painted a wall yellow in our mall; who could resist a good photo op?

Row 3:
1. OMG. Candy Corn? It's fall.
2 and 3: Craftynugget's super crafty husbands loves to stack stuff.
4. Secret knitting.

Row 4:
1. Dave (@mathadoxical; follow him! his pictures are way better than mine!) washes our cat, Pumpkin.
2. A lunchtime double exposure c/o Duomatic.
3. A tiny zine about herbal medicine.
4. MY DIY cross stitch iPhone (that still hasn't been stitched)

Did you noticed that I had to upgrade to a larger mosaic? I'm so addicted.

What have you been up to this week?


Lisa said...

I love your instagram round-ups! ^_^ I can't wait to see what you stitch on your iphone cover!

little said...

love those photos! especially the outfit ones.