knitxcore.: Happy New Year. I am dying.

Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Happy New Year. I am dying.


I felt like I was getting sick yesterday. I kept sneezing and my nose was running. It didn't stop me from eating my weight in homemade pizza and very carefully sipping a $500 bottle of champagne. I had a perfect low-key New Year's eve.

Today, I woke up and remembered that Elsie had inspired me to do a 365 project. This is what you get; my sourpuss face wrapped up in an old cashmere blanket.

I made a lot of resolutions, I guess. I feel like if I share them, I'll be embarrassed if I fail. So just expect some new things around these parts? Okay?

I'm going to go make a pot of tea and watch Mary Tyler Moore.

Happy New Year!!!!!


Sian said...

happy new year! poor sick boy!
but a $500 of bottle of champagne!! how was it? we had a $20 bottle of prosecco.xx

Eartha Kitsch said...

Hope you feel better soon! I got sick on Christmas Day and am still sailing on a sea of misery. However, I had NyQuil last night instead of a $500 bottle of champagne. You lucky stiff!

Isaida said...

Feel better! Look forward to your 365 Project. I'm jumping on it too, for my 2nd, 3rd time? I never finish, hoping 2013 is my year! :)

p.mcg said...

is that a baby-cat in the background? i hope you feel better, don't tell rick, lest he mentally convince himself that he feels sick also :>

eliza said...

feeeel better!

also, i am excited to see your 365 project! woot!