knitxcore.: PMV: Sia

Sunday, May 22, 2011

PMV: Sia

Sia and I have had a lukewarm relationship. I first saw her on Meet me At Mikes blog (Pip and I have similar tastes in music), and I wasn't impressed. I thought that she had a clever "avatar" but I was trying not to subscribe to her "gimmicks".

Last week at work, we found a copy of her album, "We Are Born". I turned up my nose and said some sort of passive insult. However, later in the day a song came on and I rushed to the stereo to see who it was.

Of course, this is the part where I tell you that it was in fact the same "Sia" that I had thought I hated. I read her bio, and it got worse.

I feel terrible. I am the worst kind of person.

I am baking cookies tonight, and mailing them to Australia in the morning. I hope she accepts my apology.

See for yourself:


Mel said...

I would love Sia so much more if I were capable of overcoming my jealousy. Because seriously. Can I please just BE her?

Anastasia said...

OH MY GOD my sister and I have been trying to figure out what this song is for ages.

Addmitedly, we didn't try TOO hard. But this made our days C: also that video is a fsjkdfing dreaaaam

Erin Joy said...

Like the muppets on LSD - and she's an Aussie? Cool!

knitwick said...

That video is absolutely insane! I was really tickled by the foil airplane, though...

Crochet Goddess said...

Love the new background.

willyg said...

Oh gosh, that's hilarious!

flannery o'kafka said...

I'm sorry...but the creepiness overwhelmed even me and I had to stop it 49 seconds in.