knitxcore.: A Trip to the Cape May Zoo: Part 1

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

A Trip to the Cape May Zoo: Part 1

Cape May Zoo 1

Today, David and I went on a super fun day trip to the Cape May Zoo with Julia, Jaqi (of Il Filato Dolce) and her family. She's leaving for Oregon very soon, so this was sort of like a going away party! I'd never been, even though we don't live very far away. I don't get out much, haha.

The zoo had these weird turtle snakes, funny little water bears, and micro deer/goat. I'm not good with actual animal names; I sort f made these up on the way through the park.

I took a bajillion photos, so I'm going to stretch this post out into a little series because I don't want your computers to explode!

The first installment includes goats, pigs and a very special guest appearance:

Cape May Zoo 2

Cape May Zoo 3

Cape May Zoo 5

Cape May Zoo 4

Coming Up...

-Connor the Clown
-A Work in Progress; The Bathroom.
-The First Roll of Film From My Diana Mini
-Planning and Prepping: A Braided Rug
-A Trip to the Zoo with Il Filato Dolce: Part 2
-Book Discussion; The Life of Pi
-List: Inspiring People

...and so much more.


willyg said...

Love. And envy.

Anonymous said...

How lovely! Going to the zoo is one of our very favourite things to do. And pigs! Oh, pigs are just so cute!

Katie x

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

i love those furry pigs!

Anastasia said...

Turtle snakes, water bears and micro deergoats! Those sound real to me. I love zoos so much.

LittleCanoe said...

Oh chubby piggies. So cuuute!