knitxcore.: What I Wore: 3/23/12

Friday, March 23, 2012

What I Wore: 3/23/12


My creation

Cardigan- GAP, Tee- American Eagle, Jean- American Apparel Regular 100s, Shoes- L.L. Bean Signature Blucher Mocs, Bracelet- Made by Eli.

I have no idea why my face was all squinty like that, I was totally in the shade. Whatever.

This cardigan is so cozy, it's definitely become a staple. I wear it so so so much!

The mocs are from two Christmases ago and I STILL have not broken them in. They dig into my big toe something fierce!

It's been unseasonably warm here, and I'm definitely having trouble making the winter to spring transition.

How do you "loosen up" in the spring?


Moe said...

Just found your blog through Hello Cotton. Gotta say you're cool dude!

I totally haven't been able to get a bracelet made by eli. I've been meaning to but keep forgetting!

Thanks for the reminder & happy weekend!

Rae - Say It Aint So said...

you are so cute! every time you post an outfit i try to get travis to wear a cardigan. i love them! he says he gets too hot though.

Erin Joy said...

LOVE the jeans!

LittleCanoe said...

You look so young in that picture! 16 tops! Love the ensemble. It's been rather cold here so no one's making any transitions into Spring just yet.

Becky Farley said...

wootwoot look at that fancy yellow bracelet ;)

shakti said...

What a shame that those mocs hurt. They look like they'd be super comfortable. You should check out Minnetonka's guys line. Their shoes are soooo comfy! No break-in necessary.