knitxcore.: Month of Craft 2; Days 5-8.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Month of Craft 2; Days 5-8.

My creation

Day 5: My crafty idols! Vickie Howell / Pip Lincolne / Elsie Larson
Day 6: My fee in Jaywalkers!
Day 7: Dyeing brown eggs; totes trad, right?
Day 8: Softies for Mirabel submission; that hair took ages!

8 days, and I haven't given up yet! YAY!


Lisa said...

Great photos! And good on you for not missing a day! ^_^ I think you have inspired me to give this a go as well!

Jessi said...

Good Job! I want to do one of these!

Raynor said...

Love love love!