knitxcore.: March 2012

Friday, March 30, 2012

What I Wore: 3/30/12

WIW: 3/28/12
WIW: 3/28/12 WIW: 3/28/12
Hat,Shoes; American Eagle, Jacket, Sweater, Button-down; GAP, Jeans; American Apparel Regular 100s.

It's been so cool and comfortable this week! I was so excited to dig out this jacket and sweater for the season. I really love early spring, it's like the beginning of Fall, but punctuated with with small pops of vibrant colors. Little patches of yellow dandelions and daffodils surround our little community, and the egret we watch every year nestles back into the cubby bedside the retention pond.  The trees are bursting with flowers and I get to wear light jackets! It's a perfect time for all things, really.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Get Healthy!: Revisiting Vegetarianism.




When I first met Dave, almost ten years ago, I had been a strict vegetarian for around 4 years. I had embraced tofu and supplements, and had learned quite a lot about nutrition. Somewhere along the way, I had become really overwhelmed with food prep and balancing meals. For one person it isn't hard, but for two it starts to become a chore.

And so I ate a Wendy's chicken nugget.

It wasn't good, but it wasn't "hard" either. I left behind 4 years of virtuous eating and super fun trips to Whole Foods to eat garbage. I knew better than to shovel fried "whatever" and processed "huh?" into my mouth constantly, but I had given up.

More recently, Dave has become inquisitive about my vegetarian past, and has begun to try some new things (sushi!) and I couldn't be happier. His interest in cleaner eating has rekindled my own.

The problem is that we're both incredibly busy; we go to school, work and have several obligations outside of that. This time around, I need vegetarianism to work within our current lifestyle, instead of the opposite. I've been looking for simple meals that I can accomplish in a short period of time, without having to rely on Boca Burgers and hummus.

When I saw Veggie Mama's "Cheesy Cauliflower and Broccoli Bake", I knew we had a winner! It was something that I could toss together quickly after school and have it ready by the time Dave finished class. Just as good (if not better) than Mac' and Cheese, without all of the late night carbs (we don't eat dinner until around 9pm).

Do you have any quick and easy vegetarian recipes we should try? Leave a link (or a recipe) in the comments!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dance Party Wednesday?

 I feel like missing my "Vinyl Monday" post has done something to my blogging mojo. I really love kicking off the week with a little music and since I didn't have any internet access on Monday, I'm introducing "Dance Party Wednesday". I've talked about how important music is to my creative process a lot, and I want you all to feel just as inspired as I do.

So here we go:

  Xiu Xiu- Hi

I love Xiu Xiu so much. There's a creepy/sad undercurrent, akin to themes of aesthetic realism, that just feels so honest  but somehow dream-like. Am I babbling?

  Cults- Go Outside

I saw this video on Tavi's blog last night and I cannot stop watching it. It's amazing (almost refreshing) to see the Jonestown Massacre from a different perspective.

  Princess Chelsea- The Cigarette Duet 

And this was just too cute not to share!

 Have fun "getting low", or "twerking" or whatever crazy dancing you kids are doing these days!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

oh. hey!

Remember how I was complaining about our ISP?! The internet completely shut down on Friday night. The lovely folks at Comcast informed us that our "equipment" was not up to par, so we rushed to Best Buy and bought a new modem AND router. $150 later, nothing worked.

Fast forward to today (Tuesday), the tech arrives at 7am (which isn't a big deal, I have class at 9) and tells us that the cable box-thing-whatever outside is full of water AND ice. Yep. Absolutely not our fault.Ugh.

To really make matters worse, I turned off our cable TV last week (new Hulu converts!!!) so we also had no TV, or iPad, or any other contact with the outside world.

While spending my time as a lonely little satellite, I've been fighting a pretty brutal toothache.
The left side of my face feels like it weighs 620 pounds. I have to keep checking to make sure it's not dragging on the ground. It's not a big deal, though. I'm no stranger to dental maladies.

Except that, today was exceptionally awful. I had my Intro to Ceramics class, which should be fun. HOWEVER, we're finally using the wheel and this little delicate flower is terrible at it. I flung clay across the room, scraped up my hand and destroyed 3 or 4 pots along the way.

The process is totally gross and messy, and I somehow lost my bracelet from Eli in the bedlam.

After the great pottery debacle, I attended a reading by local poet, Laura McCullough. Keep in mind that by this point in the day, I'm covered in mud from the pottery wheel, drooling out of the left side of my mouth and just completely over everything; I decide to hang around to chat with her.

She must have been like, "What is wrong with this kid?". I babbled something about my blog and my aspirations, then rushed out of the door because I was late for Mass Media class. I almost couldn't handle it; there was dancing and video cameras, and a really grumpy version of someone trying fake it through the day.

I finally made it home, and have been laying on the couch since 4 o'clock watching "My Name is Earl" and eating vegan chili with soft pretzel rolls. Only Jason Lee and creepy hybrid carbohydrates can fix me now.

There may be a bubble bath in my future (if I can convince Dave to make the bubbles).

Today, I'm just finished.

Enough is enough.

How was your day? Don't hold back!

Friday, March 23, 2012

What I Wore: 3/23/12


My creation

Cardigan- GAP, Tee- American Eagle, Jean- American Apparel Regular 100s, Shoes- L.L. Bean Signature Blucher Mocs, Bracelet- Made by Eli.

I have no idea why my face was all squinty like that, I was totally in the shade. Whatever.

This cardigan is so cozy, it's definitely become a staple. I wear it so so so much!

The mocs are from two Christmases ago and I STILL have not broken them in. They dig into my big toe something fierce!

It's been unseasonably warm here, and I'm definitely having trouble making the winter to spring transition.

How do you "loosen up" in the spring?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bracelets by Eli!


When I was I little guy, I was always toiling away on a craft project to sell at our local bazaars. My grandma had both encouraged and funded all my handmade business ventures; whether it was dolls made from mop heads or primitively hand sewn pillows. It was so rewarding to know that people wanted things that I could make.

To such a little guy, it was incredibly empowering to create my own lil' cottage industry. It helped foster a creative spirit within me, and it became an incredibly empowering force that has driven the crafty lifestyle that I live today and all of the benefits that come with that. One of which I'll be announcing VERY soon.

It may seem a little weird that I'm waxing nostalgic and getting a little gushy, but stay with me. I'm going somewhere with this.

Becky Farley's (of Strumpet's Crumpets) seven year old son, Eli, has begun a business venture of his own!!! He's crocheting friendship bracelets to order; you pick the size and color. The price isn't much, and you'll be encouraging a little guy (like I was 100 years ago) to stick with this crafty stuff.

I bought mine immediately after Becky announced it on her blog! I was so psyched to support a boy crafter!!!! (and you should be, too!)

Tomorrow, you'll get to see it in action in my What I Wore post!

Thanks, Eli!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Granny A Day: Week 1.





I saw Pip's Granny-a-day meme, and I just knew I had to join. The problem is that I've only crocheted a few times in my life, and I'd never made a granny square before.

I jumped in anyway, and watched her series of how-to videos until I made something that looked sort of like a granny square.

They're getting much better (as you can see), but something is still a little off, right? Are the stitches too loose? Is the hook I'm using too small? Can you even tell?

I feel like granny squares are something I should definitely try to master, as they are of pivotal importance in the style of crafting that I love the most: VINTAGE!!!

Are there any tips or pointers you can give? I'd really love to produce some consistently sized squares one day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

studio sneak peek: hanging out.

I've gotten into this funny habit of simply tacking and taping things to the wall in my studio so I don't lose them, or because I find them particularly inspirational.

The whole room is becoming a giant inspiration board. It's reckless, I know. We'll have to fill in all of the thumb tack holes before we move, the tape may peel off some paint, and things keep falling down but I just can't resist it.

The giant pink thing is a scarf that I knitted for someone who is vegan (it's alpaca) and I'm not sure how it will be received, so it's just hanging around waiting for some finishing work. There's and entrelac dishcloth and an actual swatch mixed in for fun :-)

I really love vintage knitting pamphlets, especially the STAR books in the picture above. I will honestly pay almost anything when I come across one. The pieces are quirky and the styling is just dreamy. I can't get enough of them.

The last picture is some of my recent thrift finds resting on the homemade loom from my fall crafts class. It's become a sort of makeshift shelf. Haha.

I really don't mind the chaotic energy the room is beginning to encompass, it actually fuels my frenetic thought process.

What does your work space look like?

Monday, March 19, 2012

vinyl monday: buddy holly.


Phew! What a week! I can't believe Spring Break is over already! It feels like I was just starting to relax.

I never got to have that photo shoot I was looking forward to, but it may have been for good reason. Al ils well that ends well; right?

Dave bought us an iPad the other night on a whim, and I've been having so much fun with Instagram and Draw Something. My SN for Instagram is @knitxcore is you'd like to add me :-)

I picked Buddy Holly for this "Vinyl Monday" because it's going to take a light heart and ton of energy for me to make it through this week.

Makes sense, OBVS.

I really should be wrapping up my paper on dadaist potter, Beatrice Wood. So, this is all you're gonna get tonight. haha.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I Won a Prize!


Ages ago, I won a giveaway on the Oh! Strumpets blog. Due to school and work (and all other things that steal my free time), I ended up leaving the package at the Post Office for over 2 weeks! The other day, there was a notice on my door that if I didn't pick it up right away, it would be returned.

I carved out a tiny notch of time, and begged Dave to drive me to the Post Office to pick it up!

This 19"x19" square print is by Shawn Hileman, the Philadelphia based artist behind Masthead Print Studio. It's a 3D style jawntie and it comes with glasses. Dave loves it! I hung it right above our staircase, so you can see it when you're leaving; making everyday an adventure!

Go check out his shop! So fun!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tutorial: Glittered Holga!


I'm obsessed with Martha Stewart's Yellow Gold glitter. In the past year, I've used it for so so many projects. So, when faced with Craftyminx's craft supply challenge this week, I immediately knew that I would be using this glitter in this specific shade.

I had no idea what I was going to make sparkle in the beginning of the week. I thought about doing picture frames, vases, and Dave had even suggested doing something with origami. But, I wanted to do something fresh and exciting, maybe even a little risky.

I was sitting in my studio staring blankly at the wall waiting for an idea to come to me. Nothing happened. I threw in the towel and was ready to give up when my kitten ran into the room (that she isn't allowed in) and hid under the work table. In trying to catch her, I bumped into the wall pretty hard and my Holga fell off the shelf that I store all of my toy cameras on.

I remembered Elsie Larson's painted Holgas, and the episode of Martha Stewart where they painted shoes with glitter and Mod Podge and immediately began taping off the edges of the camera.

I decided to make a little tutorial, so you would be able to make your own.

Ready? Let's go!

You will need:
-a holga camera (you can find them on eBay for less than $30)
-painters tape
-mod podge
-a paint brush
-a craft knife



Step 1:
Separate the front and back pieces of your camera. Using painter's tape, tape off all smooth plastic. We're going to be painting on the textured areas only.


Step 2:

Mix glitter with Mod Podge. Martha's site suggests two parts glitter to one part Mod Podge, but that wasn't enough sparkle for me. I ended up using a mixture much closer to 1 to 1.



Step 3:

Paint mixture onto exposed areas of textured plastic. Make sure that you've coated it evenly and wait for each coat to dry, if applying more than one coat. Allow to dry for several hours, overnight would be best.

Step 4:
Remove the tape! HOWEVER, be super careful. The Mod Podge creates a film, and if you rip the tape off quickly the Mod Podge will peel off and ruin all of the work you've done. I suggest using the craft knife at this point to gently trace around the edges of the tape before beginning to peel it off.

golden holga!

And that's it!

You have a golden holga! Awesome right? One more thing in my house is gold and sparkly. I just wish I could con Dave into letting me make a glittered wall somewhere in the house.

This is my second submission in CraftyMinx's "Craft supply Challenge" and I would LOVE it if you would go vote for me!!!!

Are you going to make one?

Friday, March 16, 2012

What I Wore: 3/16/12

WIW: 3/16/12

WIW: 3/16/12
Hat- American Eagle, Tee- Obey, Plaid- American Living (Thrifted), Sweater- On the Byas, Pants- Gap, Plimsoles(not pictured)- Rocket Dog.

Our internet connection has been in and out all day, and I'm trying to write a paper about Beatrice Wood. Ugh. Not Fun.

I had actually made big plans this weekend, but unfortunately things fall apart so I'll be writing and working both today and tomorrow.

The only thing getting me through the weekend, is a super fun photo shoot that I have planned with a super-talented lady on Sunday!!!

What are you going to do this weekend?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

daffodilly y'all.

We've discussed my black thumb ad infinitum, but we've never discussed my one gardening success; these daffodils. I always get excited when I see their lazy heads start poking out of the ground in front of our house. When the first sleepy blossom opens up, I all but lose my mind for a few days.

It may be that yellow is one of my favorite colors or even the refreshing aura of the spring to come, but these little guys just make me so happy. So happy, in fact, that i could do a funny little dance in the flower bed.

Unfortunately, this also means that it's time to clean up the garden and began the trail of death that will lead us into early summer. The only flowers I've had any luck with (besides these beauties) are Alyssum and Portulacas. I may just fill the flower beds with them this year, actually. Last year, I had the wonderful idea of planting an all-white "moon garden". I thought it would be really magical. TOTAL TRAIN WRECK. Almost everything died within 3 weeks. Ugh.

Tell me about your gardening success stories! What zone do you live in?