Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays!!!
but for now, enjoy your holiday!
Sufjan Stevens - Put the Lights on the Tree
Thursday, December 13, 2007

I've decided to combine Self Portrait Thursday with my most recent FO, Foliage from
I finished this hat sorta late (late in my house means after 11pm, lol) last night, and didn't have the energy to take any "good" FO pics, sorry. This lil guy is going to be wrapped up and put with the X-mas pile, eventually.

Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source:Foliage From
Needles: Susan Bates Size 9 16" pink metal circular, Addi Natura Size 8 16" circular
Materials: Rio De Plata Wool Multi
Time: About 5 hours
loved: the pattern!!! i had a bad experience once with a top-down hat and swore i'd never do one again. Foliage has renewed my faith. hated: knitting lace, I have the attention span of a walnut.
mods: The Rio was a weird weight, so the worsted pattern wouldn't cut it. I used Size 9 needles and did 2 and 1/2 lace pattern repeats with 6 rows of ribbing before the BO. It fits kinda slouchy, exactly how i wanted.
I'm super duper excited right now! I have possibly the coolest cake ever, in the oven. I was going to wait to show you my finished cake but you need to go buy this pan, NOW! (while it's on sale for $14.99) Martha Stewart is a genius!!!
Martha Stewart Igloo Cake Mold -

I'll take pictures of mine when it's finished, and give you all the gritty details.
Sunday, December 09, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Self-Portrait Thursday.

For those of you who don't know, it's been snowing in New Jersey. Today, I had to walk in the wet, mushy leftovers to get home from work. I'm already down three pairs of shoes this week. As soon as I walked in the door, I put on some tea(Tazo Joy) and my coziest PJ pants.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Inspired by some of my favorite bloggers, I gave the Frivoli pattern a shot.
Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source:Frivol by Debi Tuttle
Needles: Clover Takumi Straight Needles Sz. 8
Materials: Naturally Tussock 8-ply in tan.
Time: About 4 hours
loved: the bobbles!!!!
hated: that i used a light color. i'm going to attempt this hat again in a dark green.
CabLE CloSE-up:

This lil' guy is the first finished X-mas gift!!!! We'll see how many get finished in time :-)
Jenny Lewis can't do the friv, but she can do frug (and the robocop):
Rilo Kiley (circa 1999) - The Frug
Monday, November 26, 2007
Yarn Crawl: A Mini-Series II

Our adventure continues, and leads us to Philly's infamous South Street. Punk Rockers, homeless folk and drug dealers pepper the street. Fortunately, I'm wielding the only weapon a knitter needs; my Addi-turbos. Despite the dingy streets and sketchy folk, a beacon of hope shines through.

Loop was my favorite shop of the day, no contest. Everything was in tidy cubbies, the staff was awesome, and they sold a certain blogger's hand-dyed yarn. The store was comfortable and inviting, plenty of places to sit and knit or just gush over the newest Rowan pattern book. My purchase at Loop include (but are not limited to); some amahhhhhhhzing Misti Alpaca Chunky, The new Men's book from Rowan, and some super secret christmas fun. Even though I never wanted to leave, we had to make our way down South Street past the Magic Garden towards our next 2 stops...

Monday, November 19, 2007
greyowl's ganomy.

Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source:Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitter's Almanac
Needles: Crappy Susan Bates Circs (sz. 9, 16")
Materials: Lamb's Pride Worsted in LemonDrop, a pingpong ball.
Time: About 4 hours
loved: not having to look at the pattern anymore.
The hat was for a personal swap with someone on stylemob. she screen-printed a shirt for me, i made this hat for her. i can't wait to get it!!!! if you're not on stylemob, check it out:

and the video for today:
Badly Drawn Boy - Disillusion (directed by Garth Jennings)
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I finally finished these lil' buggers. Remember when I first blogged about them in MAY????? After a ton of frogging, and trying to figure out why anyone would do a short-row heel, they're ready to hit the streets.
I made the largest size with a short-row heel and complete spiral pattern, finishing with the pointed toe.

Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source: RPM Socks by Aija Goto via
Needles: Addi Turbo US size 1 32" circular (Magic Looped)
Materials: 1 Skein STR lightweight in Lemongrass.
Time: alot, i started them the first time in May and frogged a lot of times.
Loved: the pattern!!!!! mindless repeats=watching subtitles.
Hated: the short row heel, i don't ever want to do one again.
Cornershop - Brimful of Asha
If I can stop fondling this ball of Misti Alpaca Chunky, I may do another installment of Yarn Crawl: A mini-series for tomarrow.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Yarn Crawl: A mini-series.

We begin our adventure at Reading Terminal Market. (i'm going to skip over the public transportation parts. lol.) It's pretty much a giant farmer's market/grocery store. I picked up some pumpkin spice coffee at Old City Coffee and stopped by Our Daily Bread (an amish bakery) for a donut. There were some many cute lil' places, I can't even begin to start listing them all. My favorites were Tea Leaf, Inc., Flying Monkey Patisserie and of course Old city Coffee.

Our first stop was Rosie's Yarn Cellar, on 20th and Locust-ish. If you didn't know it was there, you'd walk right by it but my lovely "tour guide" knew exactly where to go. They had a lot of stuff in their tiny space. Tons of Rowan and Cascade Yarns filled the cubbies all over the walls, while baskets held more exciting independent fibers from well-known etsy sellers. The people that worked in the shop were super-friendly and helpful, not only with yarn-type matters but our public transit fiasco. I picked up some Rowan 4 ply scottish tweed to make MochiMochiLand's Uh-ohs and some notion-y type stuff for a certain blogger's X-mas gift.

A walk past some adorable rowhomes will lead us to the next shop...
to be continued...
Friday, November 09, 2007
It's my birthday.

I'm not going to write a sappy retrospective or reminisce about my youth. That's not how we do things around here. I do have some pictures of my yarn crawl the other day that i'll get around to sharing, but for now, let's just party...
Calvin Harris - Acceptable in the 80's
Friday, November 02, 2007
Stuff I did this week.

1. I cut my hair

2. started a ganomy hat for a personal swap via stylemob.

3. frogged about 30% of the secret project because, somehow a ball of worsted yarn got in my pile of DK at the LYS.
4. worked on 2 new things for the shop (they're not finished, i'll list them soon).
5. I saw Hellogoodbye and Say Anything @ the HOB in AC.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
WIP Tuesday

1. Another Ganomy Hat (for a personal swap)

2. A secret project, that I'm having yarn issues with.

3. The second RPM sock (from which I'm suffering a giant cast of the SSS)
Plus: the hibernators; Mr. Besotted Scarf, Miss Branching Out, and The Moderne Log Cabin Blanket of Doom.
So, as you can see I really should be knitting. While I do that, you all can watch a video:
Tilly and the Wall - The Freest Man
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Squirrel-riffic Snow Hat!

I just read Tideland, and watched the movie. In both, there's a part when the protagonist frees a talking squirrel from being stuffed and sewn. Somehow, that translated into me really wanting a hat with squirrels on it. It's a damn shame I didn't realize I was using size 6 needles on a size 8 sorta project until I was completely finished and went to put away the needles.

This was my first attempt at knitting anything from a graph into the round, and I don't think it turned out too badly. But, unfortunately, since my gauge was off (thanx for not being numbered Addi-turbos!) he's being sent away to the ol' Etsy shop to make some other squirrel enthusiast smile.
If you haven't seen or read Tideland, here's a quick overview:
And if you haven't checked out the shop yet:
Monday, October 15, 2007
C is for cookie....

These lovlies are from a recipe in the Martha Stewart Halloween Magazine. They're pretty easy to make, and quite delectable. I usually make heavy, iced, shortening cookies shaped like bats on Halloween but I decided to give these a shot (I'll probably make the other ones anyway). There are tons of cute lil' decorating ideas and recipes throughout the issue, and a pretty awesome use of white cotton candy.

I don't know what's wrong with that etsy link, it worked for some and not others. You can get to the shop by just typing in, if the link is still messed up. I hope to get some more things listed soon.
Cookie Monster absolutely approves of Martha's cookies.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
TheAbsentKnitter rox....
But, she also put up a sweet tutorial on how to make *awesome* star pillows on her blog:
I made this one with some fabric Dave picked out about 2 months ago. I have a few sewing WIP's laying around and I was apprehensive to start something new, but the pillow went super fast, and I already had everything I needed.
I don't really do any sort of patchwork, and I still flew right through this project. It was a lot of fun watching the star shape up. My only regret is that I may not have stuffed it enough. I can always go back and fix that when I'm feeling ambitous, maybe I'll just toss it in the dryer and see if it fluffs up.
To make one for yourself (or just revel in Karen's awesomeness), check out her blog @ TheAbsentKnitter.
Friday, October 05, 2007

The first RPM sock is complete! I'm kinda proud of this lil' guy, he's my first sock where an actual stitch pattern was involved. I also got to try a short-row heel (and then sew up the disgusting row of holes) and a fancy-dancy pointed toe.
I started a pretty awesome hat this week, but i had a nasty migraine all day so I didn't take any WIP pictures. You'll see it soon enough. Hopefully it will be the first item in the long awaited Knitxcore's etsy shop. maybe.
I feel like a post isn't complete without a cute video, and it keeps you all coming back. So today you get this:
Tender Forever - Magic of Crashing Stars
Monday, October 01, 2007
Post Modern Music Monday
Last Tuesday, I went to see Rilo Kiley with Art in Manila and Grand Ole Party in Philly. The show was awesome, even though I hated the venue. So, since you all couldn't be there, I hunted down some videos to share.
Rilo Kiley - Silver Lining
Art In Manila - Set the Woods on Fire
Grand Ole Party - Bad, Bad Man
Rilo Kiley was amazing. Absolutely one of my fave bands, and it was my first time seeing them live. They covered a Jenny Lewis and the Watson twins song, and an Elected song, pretty fresh!
Art in Manila was pretty cool, they do a lot of calmer stuff, so there wasn't a whole lot of ass shakin' going on but, still a good time :-) I didn't know it until we got there, but Orenda Fink from Azure Ray was in the band. I, of course, loved them just by proxy.
Grand Ole Party, was indeed that! They sort of had a Gossip-y, YeahYeahYeah's thing going on. The singer also played the drums! I've been to a ton of shows, and I've never seen it before, it was pretty awesome.
I'm sure some knitting might pop up this week. I'm just about finished my first RPM sock, even though the heel is a lil' heinous :-(
Monday, September 24, 2007
It's the Great Pumpkin!
It's eighty-five degrees here in South Jersey today but I'm still pretty excited to show off my first official fall FO. I tried to take a really artistic picture, complete with faux tealights, if you want a full color no frills affair, just scroll down.
Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source: Pumpkins by Jordana Paige for Knitty, Fall '05.
Needles: Clover Takumi Straight Needles US sz. 10.5 and Clover Takumi DPN'S sz US 11
Materials: 1 Skein each of Lamb's Pride Worsted in Oatmeal and Rust
Time: Maybe 3 hours???
Loved: Instant Gratification!!!! This really is a one night/weekend sorta deal. I sorta love the vine, too :-)
Hated: Sewing all the wedges together
Mods: I was not about to sew the top on, after sewing all the other pieces together. I got out my trusty felting needle (from a YarnPunk Kit), and just felted the crap out of it. I also used the needle to define the wedges a lil' more, because I noticed a few on Ravelry were kinda shapeless.
Even though I'm roasting here in NJ, I'm sure most of you are starting to experience fall. What better way to start it out than dusting off a gem like this:
Charlie Brown
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
there's way more than 8 weird things about me.
I have been tagged by Crafty Andy:
OK, here are the rules: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.
Eight Things about me:
1. I'm quite a fan of how old people dress. The whole thing; house shoes, cardigans, thick glasses. If you're over sixty, you've possibly inspired my wardrobe. Which leads to my number 2:
2. I'm probably the biggest fan of Mama's Family ever! There's something about the innocence of 80's sitcoms, before you could say "bitch" on TV or spend hours googling your own name, that seems to be missing in modern society.
3. I love Jazz & Folk music. Not the modern weirdo Kenny G. crap (no offense to any fans!), but real soulful jazz. Think Nina Simone, Otis Redding, Bob Dylan, and Vashti Bunyan.
4. My name is French as are my great grandparents, but my obsession goes far beyond that. I can't speak a word, but I love to watch french movies, listen to french music and drink wayyy more coffee than I should at times. I know sometimes, it gets on Dave's nerves but the culture is just amazing to me. When no one else is home, you'll definitely find listening to music I don't understand or watching a movie very closely so I won't miss the subtitles whizzing by.
5. Sometimes, when I talk I think people are just waiting for their turn to say something.
6. I have quite a big collection of records but, no record player.
7. I have a secret love affair... with my crock pot.
8. I pretty much need a routine or a list, otherwise i would just walk into walls, babbling incoherently all day.
I can't remember which of you have already done this, so if you haven't consider yourselves TAGGED!!!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
FO: Baby Surprise Jacket!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
The BSJ is done... sort of.
Believe it or not, in the next few days this amorphous chunk of knitting will become a cuddly new baby jacket. I'll save all the details for the final FO post. I just wanted to let everyone know I'm alive and knitting.
P.S.- Has everyone seen the new Here are 4 reasons why we'll be eating microwave burritos for dinner @ casa de KnitXcorE for the next few weeks.
(clockwise from top) 1. Urchin by Ysolda Teague, 2. Woodins by Anna Hrachovec, 3. PPR (my personal fave) by Nathan Plante, and 4. Diamond Waffle Socks by Danny Ouellette
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Roller Skating is awesome.
Everyone knows I've lost it, I'm completely obsessed with the past. Today, I got to revel in nostalgia @ the Roller Rink. That's right, KnitXcorE on roller skates! The rinks haven't changed much since I was 10. Everything is a puke-tastic shade of neon, it smells like feet and burnt pizza and you still do the hokey pokey. AMAZING! It was like being in the most ridiculous time warp ever. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and had to snap a quick one with my phone.
The Baby Surprise Jacket is coming along nicely, I'm on row 60, out of about 110 (a lil' more than half-way). I'm using a hand dyed yarn, so I'm using alternating balls of yarn to keep the colors from pooling. I can't wait to finish it! Once it's finished I can pick my sock back up, b/c I'm out of row counters :-( I'm too paranoid to just count the rows myself, so that's not even an option.
And to all of you that don't think roller skating is cool, I have one word... XANADU!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
You Spin Me Right Round...
I'm halfway through my first RPM sock and just about to start the short-row heel flap. It's also my first time doing the magic loop method, which I love! I got kind of nervous and cast on for the baby surprise jacket instead of finishing the sock. It's not that I can't do it, but I've already frogged the thing once and that's not common around casa de knitXcore. I think I'll finish the jacket and revisit the sock when I'm done. I really love the Socks that Rock colorway (thanx MP!), and the pattern is actually a fun knit but i refuse to screw it up again.
If anyone has done the short row heel or has any pointers, shoot me an e-mail?
Without further adieu, I leave you with this post's namesake as interpreted by KIDS Incorporated.
I really miss the eighties.
Monday, September 03, 2007
A Not-So-LYS Adventure.
Yesterday, MidnightPurls and I stopped by WaWa for some delicious iced coffee and hit the road. The not so LYS was having a sale and we pretty much needed to go. With my RPM sock in hand, we made the hour trip to lovely, HISTORIC (every sign on the way said "historic") Mt. Holly. Woolbearers was the first yarn shop either of us had ever been in, and after knitting for few years, has moved twice. The new location is bright and overwhelming, it even has a real store front! I had all intentions of buying enough Rowan Wool Cotton to do the Sesame Sweater from Magknits, but by the time we got there it was completely sold out. So, after ten different choices of project and yarns, I decided on some of Woolbearers own Hand Dyed Superwash Kona to finally make the Baby Surprise jacket. I'm sure you've all noticed I have a thing for green, and there's a certain shade of green that's considered "robbie green" in my household. I wanted to make sure the jacket was feminine (it is for a girl) but, I also wanted to make sure that there is no doubt in anyone's mind that it had come from me. The "I'm Falling" colorway was exactly what I needed!
I'm so happy we decided to go, and that MP was cool with driving to come get me and then driving all the way there. Thanks to MidnightPurls and Woolbearers!
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Salad Sweater!!!!!!

It's finally finished! I'm sooooooo excited! This is the first sweater I've knit that I won't have to hide.
Maybe it was Elizabeth Zimmermann's "pithy" instructions, or the tasty Malabrigo named after food but something clicked this time.
Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source: Seamless Raglan from Knitting Without Tears by Elizabeth Zimmermann
Needles: Clover Takumi 32" Circulars US sz. 8, Addi Natura 16" circulars US sz. 8
Materials: 5 skeins of Malabrigo Worsted Merino in Lettuce (from Misocrafty's de-stash) and one in Glazed Carrot (from Webs).
Time: I didn't actually time this project but I did start it in June.
Loved: the ease of the pattern and the perfect fit. Because EZ pretty much forces you to pay attention to the gauge, you shouldn't expect anything less.
Hated: nothing. I want to knit like, 300 sweaters now.
Even Jesse Spano is excited, see?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
I'm relevant...
Keep your eyes peeled, Seamless Sweater pics will be popping up soon!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Knitted hems.

Every sweater should have a knitted hem, IMHO. It's so much easier than it looks. I picked up the back loops of the cast on edge to make a neat turn, decreased by 10% (so it wouldn't flare out) and knit about 1 and a 1/4 inches in straight stockinette. When it was long enough, I basted just below the circular and pulled the needle out (SCARY!). Then, I just picked up the live stitches and sewed them right to the sweater fabric, skipping every 10th stitch so it would stay straight.
After knitting a ton of stockinette it was really fun to try a new technique. I'm so glad I bought those Elizabeth Zimmermann books! I'd be lost without her advice.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Another Ballband dishcloth?
You can never have enough.
Pattern Particulars
Pattern Source: Mason-Dixon Knitting
Needles: Clover Takumi Straight sz. 7
Materials: Lily Sugar and Cream in asst. colors.
Time: About 1.5 hours
Loved: Not having to look at the pattern anymore.
Hated: nothing
The yarn for my sweater is in, and hopefully I'll work all the ends in tonight. My kitchner on the armpits is backwards, so I may rip it out and do it correctly. We'll see.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
How I Spent My Morning.
I found episodes of David the Gnome on Youtube. I made oatmeal. Sometimes, it's nice to act like you're still 10.
I should be finishing the neckline on my sweater. I ordered some Malabrigo in "Glazed Carrot" for the hems, and I also picked up some tofutsies in a awful colorway from Webs. It's the first time I've ordered from them, I heart that they use UPS!!!!!! In my area I've had some trouble with the Post Office losing packages, so anytime I can avoid them I'm a pretty happy guy.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Dear The-boy-who-lived,
Even as I type this, I can't believe it's been nine years! When we met I was just around 15 years old, and now as I'm pushing 25 I can't believe this is the end. I've been reading the Harry Potter series since the beginning, and it's been quite a guilty pleasure. I'm not going to brag about how quick or easy the reading was, as it is a children's book. It has however made an impact on the way I see things and the Deathly Hallows did not dissapoint. It's amazing how J.K. Rowling can work such unadulterated political and social commentary into the trappings of this harmless children's story. I've gone out of my way for the past couple of weeks to avoid spoilers and do not want to ruin it for anyone who's decided to take their time. I will say this, much is to be learned from the-boy-who-lived.
If anyone wants to chat about HP7, feel free to e-mail me. Please be kind to other readers when leaving comments.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Simply, a few of my favorite things.
I was introduced to this amazing recipe by a friend a few years ago. You can't help but smile when you eat a bright yellow bowl of soup. It's actually made me become quite fond of yellow squash. You can find the recipe in Nigella Lawson's "Forever Summer".
I'm going to go try to make a cake in the crockpot, I'll let you all know how it goes. While you're waiting, go check out Charles' Vlog. He's an awesome guy and he dyes some pretty gr8 yarn :-)