See that band up there? Cute, right?
That's "The Format". They don't exist anymore.
According to an interview, Nate Russ (the guy with the flip flops and shaggy hair) had become disillusioned by the corporate structure of the industry. Unwilling to compromise with major labels, The Format's album "Dog Problems" was self released.
Totally virtuous.
Last night, I finally got to see Nate's new band FUN.
I'm sure you've heard of them. They had a song on Glee,
My friend Kellyn and I were super excited to go to the show, only once we arrived, Russ berated former Format fans, calling us assholes or something really close to it. He went on further to explain that this show was intended to celebrate FUN. and to leave the past in the past; they were only going to sing their own songs.
Later they covered the Rolling Stones.
This weekend, I've been spending a lot of time contemplating what I think are authentic experiences and comparing them to the more sterilized counterparts.
I understand that at some point in artist's career that money does become important. You can't live in a van forever; but making taking a moment to really understand what eating out of trashcans and shopping at the goodwill had afforded you with is so important. Honest experience outweighs porcelain veneers and $300 hair cuts, and if you let that all slip away, what are you left with? Teeth that can go in the dishwasher and a creepy fashion mullet.
The metallic aftertaste of FUN.'s performance only left me to further reflect on the importance of humility, especially regarding those who are in the public eye.
The transformation of Russ's ideals in the past several years became abundantly clear as he wagged his tongue at pre-teen theatre kids, and dismissed his more loyal and dedicated fans.
It was almost sad to watch him struggling to impress his new fly-by-night fan-base, who will most like move on to whatever artist Glee covers next.
I hope the 15 minutes of fame that he is enjoying now bodes well; but I don't think that he deserves it anymore.
Sorry Nate,
-a disgruntled